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He drew it near, slit the seal, and studied the contents.

Despite his recent letter informing his superiors of his enforced delay, he was being released from the upcoming tour and would remain in England until such time as his services were required again, etc., etc.

His heart sank. Truly? They wished to forgo his willingness, simply because he’d been hindered from appearing due to a broken leg? He tossed the letter to one side.

It fluttered off the bed, the broken red seal staring up at him like skin scored with a bullet hole.


What would he do now? He’d been counting down the days until his return, and now he’d been judged wanting. His lips curved without amusement. Oh, how people would stare if they knew the hero of England could be so meekly cast away.

There was little point in speeding back to London, little point in insisting on employment with those who would have it otherwise. He’d likely get stuck working in an office, the idea of which held as much appeal as eating a live eel.

Whatwouldhe do now?Lord?His mind spun, turning over the possibilities. Perhaps this time of enforced rest would help him see new directions in which his future could lie. His might not need to be a solitary path, after all.

Another knock, and the tentative nature of this one suggested it might be his niece. He shook his head at himself. Oh, how far his life had fallen when his entertainment was reduced to playing guessing games about who might be on the other side of the door. “Enter.”

The door opened to reveal Becky’s timid expression. “Good morning, Uncle.”

“Good morning, niece.”

She giggled, but in such a different way to Miss Stapleton’s rich vibrato.

“What is it I can do for you?”

“It’s just that Theo—I mean, Miss Stapleton—said I might ask something of you, and …”

“And what is that?” He forced interested cheer to his voice. “Your wish is my command.”

“Well, it is not something I should precisely command, it’s just that, well, I was wondering …”

“Out with it, lass. I can feel what hair remains on my head growing grey as I wait here, breath held in anticipation.”

Another giggle.

He smiled ruefully. Would that all young ladies had Miss Stapleton’s directness of speech.

“It’s just that my birthday is soon, you see, and I was hoping—”

“For a kitten?”

She blinked. “Er, no.”

“A pony? I believe that is what all young ladies desire.”

“I had a pony once.” She stared at her clasped fingers. “Then Papa had to sell him.”

Probably to settle his gambling debts. Resentment flared at his brother-in-law’s carelessness. If Daniel was ever so blessed with a family, he’d make sure to provide in a way that would permit no regrets. Of course, that meant he’d have to find a way to provide … He cleared his throat. “I am sorry.”

“It is not so very bad. Theo said I can ride her horse Gracie. She doesn’t have a chance to exercise her as much as she’d like these days.”

Probably because she was busy tending to a myriad of other tasks. Like caring for an invalid.


“Forgive me. You wish for a different type of doll?”

“I am not a young girl!”
