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He bookmarked the page. “I would not wish for you to be troubled.”

“I have truly enjoyed this. Listening to you, getting caught up in England’s history from centuries ago, is enough to feel I have escaped my troubles. For that, I thank you. You are kind. Much kinder than I deserve.”

“I do not have a monopoly on kindness, Miss Stapleton.”

She blushed and murmured a goodbye.

His heart grew sore. Just how little kindness did she believe she was worth?

Theo pushed her dinner around her plate. One day of her sister’s company and already she was exhausted and nearly at her wit’s end. Or perhaps that was the effect of having to guard her heart from the man who had betrayed it. The man who had scorned Theo as Seraphina had laughingly agreed and enticed him to woo her instead.

The high point of Theo’s day had been the time spent with the captain, but even then duty had ultimately won over pleasure, and she’d forced herself to attend to those tasks sure to be overlooked by others. Not that she would want Mama to give up her joy in reuniting with her daughter. And not that she could expect Seraphina to notice. Or to care. Tasks like ensuring dinner would be ready, and that a plate could be sent to the captain. Tasks like checking that the clothes Seraphina had unceremoniously dumped at Theo’s door had been washed and hung to dry. Hettie had worked most of the day to complete the chores, and Theo’s exhaustion could not begin to compare. But hers was more an inner weariness, the years of slights and slurs not easily put right by a good night’s sleep.


That peevish note drew up her head to see those around the table staring at her.

Save for Roger. He never looked her way.

“I beg your pardon. What were you saying?”

“I do not understand why you would wish to treat Mr. Daniel as if he was a guest,” Seraphina complained.

She swallowed. Glanced at Becky, noting the hurt look in her eye. “But—”

“But heisa guest,” the general said. “This is my house, Seraphina, and I say who comes and stays, and who goes. I don’t recall your informing us you planned to stay.”

“Oh, Grandfather.” Seraphina tossed him a smile and a girlish giggle. “I did not think you would stand on ceremony where family is concerned.”

Did she think her attempt at cajolery would win him over? It had been some years since her sister had lived here, so it seemed she had forgotten with whom she dealt.

“I still find it odd Theo would listen as a servant staying here read her a play.” Seraphina took a sip of her wine, glancing at Theo with overly innocent eyes.

“Were you reading a play, Theo?” Mama asked worriedly. “I do not think that quite the thing, my dear.”

“I did not realize reading Shakespeare was a crime.” Theo sliced into her potato.

“Well, it all depends on the Shakespearean play in question, does it not?” Seraphina set her glass back on the table. “Some have most scandalous subjects, I’m afraid. Quite unsuitable for an unwed lady. Especially in the company of a single man.” She signaled for Mr. Siddons to top up her wine. “Is Mr. Daniel unmarried?”

For some reason this question turned Roger’s gaze toward Theo.

She kept her gaze fixed on her sister and said as blandly as she could, “I believe so,” before taking her own sip of watered wine.

“A hint, sister dear. Some might consider it most improper for you to entertain a young man whilst alone in his bedroom.”

Theo’s mouth fell open, as her mother fanned herself and said, “Oh my dear!”

“Which play were you reading?” Grandfather asked, eyes narrowing at her.

“The Henry plays.Henry IV, and today he was readingHenry V.”

The old man chuckled. “Not surprised he likes the ones about a soldier.”

Seraphina crooked a finger in the air. “I thought he was a sailor?”

Theo’s breath suspended. Oh, someone change the subject quickly!

“I wonder,” Mama said rather desperately, “about Becky’s birthday dinner. Do you think we should see if it should be put off? I’m sorry, dear Rebecca, but we may need to reconsider, given things are, ahem, a little different to what we had once planned.”
