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He lowered his gaze, shifting to study the flames burning in the grate. He amazed himself for even thinking like this, amazed himself for daring to contemplate what life could look like if he left the army.


He blinked, glanced up, saw Miss Stapleton’s tentative smile. “Forgive me, ma’am.”

“No, forgive me, sir. You looked quite lost in thought.”

“I was.”

“I realized just how selfish we were being, playing a game that you could not participate in, and I wondered if you might like some company.”

He acquiesced, but her nearness only drew further agitation within. Had other men found themselves in a similar quandary, torn between an established life and that which was unknown? He supposed so. But this felt like such a pivotal decision, such a bold move he was not sure he had the heart to make. Especially when he remained uncertain as to just how keen Theodosia might be to explore such things with him.

“Have you finished your reading ofHenry V? If so, I could retrieve something else for you to read.”

“I …” He cleared his throat. “I thought you wished for conversation.”

“I can do that too.” She seated herself in the chair opposite. “What do you wish to converse about?”

He shouldn’t do this. Spending time with her would only fuel this agitation and stress. If he was a vain man, he might also think it may fuel expectations in her. And he had no desire to be any more dishonorable than he already felt he was being.

“Apparently nothing,” she said, with a teasing glint in her eye. “Very well. I shall return.”

“I—” He swallowed.Really shouldn’t, but …“I would be quite happy to talk with you.”

Was that relief flitting across her features? Perhaps if he watched and listened, he could discern if there was any encouragement that might guide his next steps.

“Well, that is certainly preferable to being ignored or being forced to converse when one doesn’t truly want to. Conversation due to social obligation is never as engaging as when one finds oneself conversing with someonequite happyto speak with you.”

His heart lightened at the return of her good-humored repartee. “I beg your pardon if I seemed rude before.”

“Not rude, although perhaps distracted.” She leaned forward. “Are you worried about your niece and friend?”

His gaze shifted to the duo, still chatting.

Becky twirled a strand of her hair around her finger and glanced up at the lieutenant, her gaze one of open admiration.

His heart clenched. If only things could be so straightforward.

“I will admit to you, sir.” Theodosia lowered her voice. “I have not seen her so unguarded with a young man before. I hesitate to ask, but has the lieutenant intentions elsewhere?”

“I confess I do not know. You think they are that serious?”

“I cannot say, except that handsome and personable young men of his calibre have rarely come across our path.”

Ourpath. Did she include herself in these estimations?

“It would be best to learn his thoughts toward your niece. She is very young but is not unmarriageable.” Her brows rose. “Especially if her guardian approves.”

“Her guardian? Oh, I see.” He straightened against the cushions. “Such a thought had not occurred to me. She is far too young to hold any lasting interest for him, I should think.”

She bit her lip, mottled cheek turned to him as she studied the pair.

“What is it, Miss Stapleton?”

“I … I hesitate to mention this, but perhaps it would be best if someone was to hint him away.”

“That someone being me?”
