Page 11 of Heartful

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Chapter Four


I can’t say I’m surprised by the look on Alice’s face when our eyes finally meet. The instant recognition, followed by the immediate scowl of epic proportions, is my own fault, but I don’t regret it. I was just as shocked as she was when my damn chair turned and I found her sitting behind the partition.

She does seem like the kind to be on one of these shows—always so optimistic and cheery. She would be one of the characters who everyone fell in love with. So, it’s beyond my damn comprehension why we are sitting across from each other. On what level do we scream compatible?

Her bright yellow skirt fans out around her legs, which are crossed primly at the ankle, and the blue top brings out the brightness of her eyes. Long, curly blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail completes her look. She’s the opposite of me—dressed in a dark suit with a perpetual displeased expression.

I wasn’t always like this. But sometimes, things happen that make you jaded. They take your happy life and flip it upside down, depositing you on the other side with a new, miserable view of everything. Maybe it’s why I work so hard at creating happiness for my patients and their families. They are going through something completely soul-crushing, and I want to ease their fears in some manner. I know that I don’t see my daughter as much as I would like to, but she seems happy when I do spend time with her. She likes Vicky, her nanny, and she doesn’t want for anything—ever.

“No,” escapes Alice’s lips.

I sense my expression darkening. I’m not sure why because for me, this is great news. She won’t want to continue this farce to see if we can work it out. She already knows we aren’t meant for each other.

Her red lips part on a gasp, as if she can’t believe that she just said that, where the microphones could hear and broadcast it to the cameras.

She doesn’t look a bit different than the day we first met. I cock my head to the side and let my eyes roam over her face.

I stepped into the classroom, and my gaze went straight to the young blonde woman who stood in the middle of the room. Her hands were clasped in front of her, and she wore a broad smile, as if these parent-teacher conferences were her idea of a good time. Maybe they were. I quickly assessed her attire—white skinny jeans and a flowy top with flowers on it. Her hair was curled and behind her shoulders.

I felt it. That pull. A tug that my entire being sent through me, and I come to a screeching halt, almost gasping for air.


I wouldn’t allow it. I wouldn’t be attracted to my daughter’s teacher. I wouldn’t allow another woman to fuck my life up like she had.


I pasted my scowl back on as she turned her attention to me.

“Welcome, Mr. …”she chirped as I walked over to her. Even her voice matched her beaming face, light and feisty, a hint of humor behind it.

She stuck her hand out, and manners dictated that I couldn’t just let it hang between us. I had to touch her. As I clasped her small hand in mine, the shock of our connection caused me to let it go just as quickly. The feel of her smooth skin was too much, created too many variables in my life.

“Dr. Morrow,” I said, gruffly trying to reassert control over myself. I didn’t want to be an ass, but with the way my body had just reacted to seeing her and touching her, I had to remind it that I was not on the market.

The teacher’s face dropped a smidgen, sending a pang that echoed of regret through my chest. I shook it off and ignored the tight feeling.

“You must be Ivy’s dad. I only know Vicky—”

My expression narrowed. I wanted her to get on with it, so I didn’t have to stand here under the stifling weight of my own emotions.

Thankfully, she continued, “Anyway, I’m Alice, Ivy’s assistant teacher. But I’m sure you know that. Please, sit, and we can discuss her performance so far this year.”

“I’d prefer to stand. I’m very busy, so if you could, please make this quick,” I said.

I zoned out. I watched her mouth move as she told me things I’d already known about Ivy. She was bright—exceptionally bright. It was one of the reasons I’d enrolled her here. Sunnyville Private School had excellent marks for education. Only the best for my daughter.

“Here are her scores,” Alice said. Then, she handed me a paper, which I took and stared down at.

When I glanced back up, I noticed she was looking at me expectantly again, so I nodded and said the only thing I could think of, “Anything else?”

“Well, no. Not unless you have any questions for me. Usually, parents have some.” Her hands were clasped in front of her stomach, like when I’d first walked in.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be teaching here?” The words left my mouth before I could properly think them through. It sounded offensive, even to my own ears.

