Page 35 of Heartful

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“Okay.” I back away, leaning against the wall as I watch her start clipping again.

“So, what’s his reason for being the way he is?”

“He had a bad relationship—”

“Haven’t we all?” Desi says.

I bite my lip again, putting my hands behind my back. “Yes, but his was pretty bad. His wife left him and his daughter.”

“Ouch. That’s pretty shitty. So, why would he go on a dating show if he’s not ready for a relationship?”

“That’s the thing—I don’t think he wanted to be on the show. I think he was coerced.”

“And then he was matched with someone he knew, and maybe embarrassment made him shut down?”

“Maybe, but I don’t think that’s it. I think he’s just naturally closed off, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“I hate to break it to you, but he did offer you a job instead of a relationship. I’m not sure there’s much you can do about that.”

“Yeah, I know. It sucks that I’m so attracted to an emotionally unavailable man. Sucks even more that we were roped into this show together, where we have to lie to the world, and behind closed doors, I have to act like I’m totally fine with the whole thing.”

“You aren’t?”

“I mean, I’m okay with being a nanny for Ivy—that’s his daughter. And you and I both know I need the money if I’m going to purchase a home anytime soon.”

“You can move back in with me for as long as you need—I told you that,” Desi says, shutting her clippers off and stepping back. She runs a brush over Rip, cleans the extra hair off of him, and then surveys her job.

“I know. But I hate to be a burden. I want to be independent; it’s important to me. But it’s a little offensive that he acts like I’m the scum beneath his toes, and I definitely feel like a burden to him.”

“I’m sorry, babe. If I had known it would go like this, I never would have signed you up.”

“It’s okay. At least I got a temporary job out of it, right?”

“Sure,” she says with a laugh. “Sorry I can’t help you more. I would say, don’t push him, but just try to feel him out. You might be able to help more than you think. Sounds like he needs to start letting go of the past and think of a future for himself and his daughter.”

“I don’t want to be pushy.”

“Be yourself, Alice. He is blind if he can’t see what a catch you are.”

I spend the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon working with Desi and her canine customers. The sweet doggy kisses and cuddles elevate my mood from sad to happy, and I’m glad I agreed to help my cousin out.

“Are you ready to go?” Simon asks on Friday night as he hears me descending the stairs, his eyes on his phone. It seems he’s always distracted, never really enjoying the moment he’s in.

I let my eyes peruse him, top to bottom, while he’s not looking at me. His dark hair is styled to the side, and my fingers ache to run through it. His straight nose points down, his eyebrows hiding his dark eyes, and his lips are pursed, as if he’s doing it without thinking. He has one hand shoved in the pocket of his dark blue shorts, his white collared shirt hugging his upper half like it was tailored just for his body.

I watch the muscles in his tan forearm flex as his thumb works the screen of his phone, a vein running the length of it. The sight of it gets my blood flowing.

What is it about a vein in a man’s forearm that is just so damn sexy?

“Yes, I’m ready,” I say as soon as I get to the bottom.

He finally looks up and takes me in, eyes never lingering anywhere long before looking off again.

Well … okay.

I stride to the fridge, where I have the white-wine gift chilling, trying to cover my embarrassment at the brush-off, and open the door to grab it. I slip it in the skinny gift bag and tie the bow on before turning back around, my emotions in check. I give him a sunny smile and follow him to the SUV, where he opens the door for me.

“Thank you,” I say, and he nods, silent.
