Page 67 of Heartful

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Chapter Twenty-One


“Here,” Simon says, getting my attention.

I turn from the display of local honey I was perusing to see him holding out a bouquet of the most gorgeous flowers. My mouth drops open in surprise, and then I remember the cameras that are trained on my face to catch every small interaction we have. It’s a weird feeling, but I’ve gotten used to it as much as I can since we started filming.

My eyes find Simon’s, and it’s like the night before flashes back to the forefront in both of our minds. His gaze heats, and my face flames. Thankfully, no one has asked us what’s happened between us when the camera crew isn’t around. Yet.

“Thank you,” I say, grabbing the flowers from his hands and inhaling them. “They are beautiful.”

Simon takes my hand, and I can’t help the butterflies that start up in my stomach. Stupid, stupid butterflies, making me feel light and woozy.

We peruse a few more stalls before deciding to get food.

“There are some food trucks over there. What are you in the mood for?” Simon asks.

I speak without thinking, “Anything to recover from last night.”

We both pause as I feel the camera focus in on my face, and I’m sure I’m as red as a Stop sign. Which is exactly what I should do—stop talking.

“I think I saw one for chicken and waffles,” Simon remarks and pulls me along before I can say anything else.

“Sounds delicious,” I mutter, following behind him.

We order and grab our food, and then we make our way to a bench on the outskirts of Pike Place Market.

“Mmm,” I moan as soon as I bite into the chicken and waffle. It’s perfection. I don’t know how food trucks and stalls always have perfect food, but I would take them over a restaurant any day. “I’ve always thought it would be neat to own a food truck.”

Simon’s head whips toward me, an amused grin on his face. “You want to own a food truck?”

“I mean, why not? It would be neat to travel around and see new places, all while serving great food. Win-win in my book.”

“What’s stopping you?” He raises one eyebrow, biting into his own food. He doesn’t moan, but I feel like he wants to. It’s that good.

I stare off over the top of the cameramen’s heads, trying not to pay any attention to them. We aren’t supposed to look directly into the camera, always at each other or off to the side or at the interviewer. Something about breaking the fourth wall. I’ve never thought about it, but ever since we’ve been doing this, I pay attention when I watch TV, and it’s true—people don’t look directly into the camera unless you are Jim from The Office.

“Well, life and a steady job. And no one has ever wanted to do it with me. Not that I’ve asked many people. Or anyone actually.”

I watch him lick his finger, and the sight makes me flash back to when he had my fingers in his mouth, licking them last night. I can feel myself flush, and I know he sees it too.

“Then, you don’t know that no one would travel the world with you in your food truck,” he says.

“True. Hey, Simon, do you want to open a food truck and travel the world with me?” I ask.

He coughs a little, choking on the bite he just took. I cock my head to the side and watch him, trying not to grin as he works on finding the words to say no. I’m not going to let him off the hook though.

“Um, I don’t think it would really fit into my schedule right now,” he says, eyeing me. “You know, with Ivy and the hospital. Maybe when I retire, if you haven’t already found a traveling and cooking partner or something. You know, in the future.”

“I’m joking, Simon.” I lay my hand on his arm, and he stares at me.

“Damn, your poker face is good. You didn’t even crack a smile. You just let me flounder around as I tried to let you down easy.”

I open my mouth to reply, but I’m cut off by a mangy, cream-colored dog grabbing the rest of my chicken and waffle before running off down the sidewalk with it. We incredulously stare at each other before Simon launches to his feet and takes off in pursuit like a knight in shining armor. Or a man in delicious ass-hugging jeans and a sexy T-shirt.

I stand up with my empty container and then look at the camera closest to me before snapping my eyes up and meeting the gaze of the man behind it.

He mouths, Go, and points toward where Simon is still running after the dog.
