Page 9 of Heartful

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I gulped. His voice matched his appearance, deep and smooth, and I suddenly wanted to hear dirty words spoken to me from his gorgeous mouth.

What is wrong with me?

Get it together, Alice.

“You must be Ivy’s dad. I only know Vicky—” I cut off abruptly when his eyes narrowed.

Shit, did I offend him?

“Anyway, I’m Alice, Ivy’s assistant teacher. But I’m sure you know that,” I rambled. This was a disaster. “Please, sit, and we can discuss her performance so far this year.”

“I’d prefer to stand. I’m very busy, so if you could, please make this quick,” he said.

I gaped at him. I recovered and turned abruptly toward my desk to get the file I had on Ivy and then stayed standing behind it, Dr. Morrow on the other side. I needed a barrier between us.

“Right, of course. Ivy has been doing exceptionally well. She’s gifted in math and science, and I think we should really encourage her to continue in that direction. She’s bright, and I can tell that she’s stimulated at home as well. Great job.” I smiled brightly, but he didn’t.


He just continued to stare at me, hands in his suit pockets.

“Here are her scores.” I leaned over and handed him a piece of paper, which he briefly looked over.

“Anything else?”

“Well, no. Not unless you have any questions for me. Usually, parents have some.” I clasped my hands in front of me and rose on the balls of my feet for a moment before I rocked back down.

We examined each other.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be teaching here?”

“That’s your question?” I asked before I could stop myself.

I wasn’t offended. I’d been asked that by several people, and I technically was the youngest teacher on staff at this prestigious private school. I had been lucky enough to interview for an assistant teacher spot when they had a few openings. But I was qualified. I just looked young for my age. I was still constantly carded at bars even though I was twenty-nine.

“I can assure you that I’m perfectly qualified and able to teach here in the second-grade classroom.” My eyes widened when my words came out snappy. Maybe I was a little offended.


His eyes scanned my face once more, and this time, as I looked at him, I didn’t notice his handsome facade as much as I saw his abrupt manner and heard his curt answers. I was definitely rubbed the wrong way.

“Until the next parent-teacher conference,” he said with a nod, not even bothering to shake my hand again.

He turned on his heel and strode toward the door as I stared after him.

I slowly sank into my small desk chair, not really even noticing I had done it as I shook my head in wonder.

Why did all the good-looking ones act like complete assholes?

“Meet and greets are over.” The director’s voice rings through the room.

I glance his way. I notice the red light on the camera is off, meaning we aren’t being filmed at the moment. I stand on shaky legs and turn to step off the platform but feel a hand on my wrist, stopping me. I follow it up to find Dr. Simon Morrow standing close to me, and looking at his eyes from this short distance, I can see the flecks of green and gold that dot his brown eyes. I don’t want to know this tidbit about him. I just want to get out of here.

“Are you okay?” he asks, surprising me.

I think my mouth drops open.

Is he asking about my welfare?I wasn’t aware he cared.
