Page 13 of Love & Betrayal

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I snorted, his words crawling over my skin, leaving a trail of pure disgust in its wake. “Father didnotgive me to you. He has no idea that you’re a despicable excuse of a person. And I’m a woman. A human being, not anyone’s property.” I clenched my teeth, attempting to remain composed.

An evil grin slipped into place. “Tell yourself whatever you have to, but we both know the truth.”

“Agreed. That you’re a descendent from Satan himself.” I cocked my head, daring him to disagree with me. Of course, he didn’t.

The limo slowed as it pulled into the parking lot of the Davenport. A jolt of reality zipped through my limbs, and my stomach clenched as I realized why we were here. There was only one reason Donovan ever brought me to the hotel. My heart ceased beating while panic blossomed in my chest.

“Did you …?” My voice trailed off as the driver parked and turned off the vehicle. Seconds later, the back door flew open, and a hand extended to me. I shrank away as if his touch would burn me.

Donovan gripped his phone, glowering at me. “You’ll find out soon enough. Now get out of the car before I forcibly remove you myself.”

Donovan climbed out of the back seat and hurried to the other side. He buttoned his blue suit jacket before adjusting his cuff links, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t make me treat you like a child, Giselle. Get the fuck out of the goddamned limousine. You’re making me look bad.”

“Fuck you.” I slid away from him, refusing to go.

Donovan leaned in, grabbed my arms, and jerked me out. “Stop it right now.”

A couple with concerned faces strolled past us, and Donovan flashed them a warm smile.

“Good evening.” He placed his arm around me, displaying a loving and protective man to the world.

“Evening,” the other guy said, tightening his hold on his significant other. They continued to stroll by us, but the lady glanced over her shoulder in my direction, worry etched into her pretty features.

The woman was a stranger, someone that Donovan wasn’t controlling or paying, and I realized it was my chance to get help. My lips pursed, and before I could stop myself, I folded my thumb into my palm and closed my fingers over it. I pretended to cough, hoping she understood the signal for help. My heart dipped and flipped as she turned away and entered the hotel. The woman hadn’t recognized what I was trying to tell her—that I was in danger because of the man next to me. My stomach churned.

“We’re late. Behave yourself and let’s get moving.” Donovan slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side, digging his fingers into my ribs.

Realizing I had no other choice but to go with him, I knew I would have to try to run before the horror started. Donovan understood that I would never willingly accompany him, so he hadn’t provided any details. He knew I would figure it out, but by then it would be too late, and he could simply force me into the building.

One way or the other, I had to escape Donovan for good. Unfortunately, I had nowhere to hide and no money.

Zayne could help. Although Zayne might be an option in the future, though, there wasn’t even a remote possibility that he could save me from my fate this evening. I also still had to make sure I could fully trust him—Donovan’s reach was wide. Once I had a plan in place, I couldn’t afford to fuck up. It wasn’t just my life on the line anymore.

As Donovan walked me to the elevator, we waited along with a few others.

“Dinner first,” he said, rubbing my back and continuing his charade of a caring, doting brother.

“Of course.” I offered him a shy smile for the benefit of the people around us.

Thoughts of Zayne tickled the edges of my mind again, and I wished that he was here to witness the horror that was called my life. If he knew … if he really knew, Zayne Wilson would be pleading with me to forgive him for bringing me back to life.

The group entered the elevator, and a quick ride later, Donovan and I walked down a long hall. Donovan knocked on a door, then it swung open. The blood in my veins froze. On instinct, I stepped away.

“No,” I whispered to my brother. “No.” I scurried back, my eyes never leaving the monster sneering at me while my heart slammed against my chest.

Ashkov Butricks’s features were hard and sharp enough to slice me in half. His tongue darted over his lip as he looked me up and down. I hadn’t ever met him before, but his reputation preceded him.

Donovan’s upper lip curled in contempt right before he grabbed my wrist and tugged me into the room, then Ashkov closed and secured the only way to escape.

Donovan slapped his hand over my mouth and forced me against the wall. “You will cooperate, Giselle.” Pure evil twisted his face as his breath fanned against my cheek. “If you don’t, you know what will happen.”

I would rather have been punched and kicked in my stomach than hear those words. Donovan rarely used them, but I knew I had to surrender. If I didn’t—the consequences—I would never be able to forgive myself. Bile surged up my throat just thinking of what he would do.

Ashkov shot me a sinister smile and winked as he watched Donovan undo the buttons on my navy blouse, revealing the black lace bra underneath. “Do you understand me?” Donovan trailed his hand down my chest and roughly twisted my breast, sending pain ricocheting through me. A reminder that he could do much worse to hurt me. I was well aware there was much more to come, but I had to keep my wits about me, or Donovan would follow through with his threat.

“Before I release you, promise me you won’t scream or try to run.”

I stared into Donovan’s dark eyes and nodded. He and Ashkov had me cornered with nowhere to run.
