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Reynaldo smiled. “During your nap.”

“Good signal.”

Syar made a face. “Come on; I want to get out of this suit.”

She followed them through the house, and they got to the room guarded by two men wearing pistols and daggers.

Syar pointed. “That is your room. There are clothes on the bed.”

The room was next to the king’s, and she walked to the door and opened it. It smelled heavily of flowers and something familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

She found a toilet behind one door and a sink and mirror behind another. No shower.Ah.

The bed was a low platform and had all the yield of her shoe’s insole.Yay.She looked at the folded fabric on the bed and sighed. She disrobed and wrapped the skirt around her hips. It covered her nicely, and she tied the strings to secure it. She jumped and twisted, but it stayed put. The breastband didn’t fit. She looked at it and then saw her luggage. She found a crop top in a soft peach that would hopefully be light enough. She put on a neutral sports bra and slipped the crop top in place. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she shrugged. It was as good as she could do. She finger-combed her hair and flopped back on the bed. While she lay there, she realized she must be really tired. The wall moved, and a door opened. Reynaldo saw her and smiled. “Hello.”

She sat up, and her skirt shifted alarmingly. “Uh-oh. I did it wrong.”

“The skirt? Yeah, there is a trick to it. Hold it and stand up.”

She held the skirt in place, and the tie unravelled. He chuckled and knelt, taking the ties and showing her, “There is a loop here and a loop here. Then you secure the inner layer and the outer.” His hands fastened it, and he secured the tie. “Now, why aren’t you wearing the top.”

She muttered. “Too small.”

He looked at her chest. “It should fit.”

“No, I am not too small. It is too small.” She hooked the edge of her top and lifted it. “I wear sports bras with major compression. I need about five more inches of fabric than this.”

He blinked. She dropped her top back into place.

“Five more inches?”

“Stop smirking. They are annoying, and if I could spend the time recovering, I would have them reduced.”

He looked horrified. “Why?”

“They get in the way.” She asked, “So, um, where can I get something that will fit?”

He smiled. “Just a minute.” He backed through the adjoining door.

She noticed that he was wearing an unbuttoned shirt and loose grey trousers. He was fun to look at.

She sat back down on the bed and waited.

Syar came in wearing a ton of jewellery. “What’s the problem?”

“My chest is too big.”

He looked at her dubiously. “Really?”

She narrowed her eyes, released her bra with her hands under her shirt, and slipped the straps off through the cami’s arm holes. She tossed the bra aside, and Syar stared. “Really.”

She wanted to massage them now, but he was watching.

She got up and went to the room with the sink and massaged her breasts. They always needed help after being released from the bra.

There was a knock at the door, and it opened with a band on the end of Reynaldo’s fingers. She took it. “Thanks. Does this one have a trick, too?”

“No. It should go on easily, but it has a strap that attaches to the button over the right breast.”
