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Most of the vendors smiled slowly and threw glances at Reynaldo immediately before returning their gazes back to her.Ah. Cat face.

She turned to Reynaldo. “Wait, do you turn like this?”

“Something... ah... similar.”

The florist snorted and then blushed. “There are commonalities.”

Reynaldo grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in. “I am not as soft as you.”

Syar was talking to someone and looked at them and grinned. “Do you want to go to the grinding facility?”

“Wow. That sounds... odd.”

He nodded. “Come on, princess.”

The florist stared at her and suddenly looked eager to get away from them.

Their trio headed down a path, and Syar kept hold of her hand while they marched. She asked, “Where are we going?”

“Not much further. This is the industry that the town supports.”

He was excited, and she smiled. When they reached the security gate, she had to stand and be wanded for anything metal. Her biometrics were recorded, and they urged her to do the ocular scan. With her slit pupils, it was unlikely that anyone on the island would have a similar eye pattern.

She got the scan, and then the guard smiled. “You will get your chip when you go inside. I am not authorized to use nonlethal rounds.”


Syar cleared his throat. “We use RFID chips instead of money. It means you can go to the beach or dance in the rain. Still don’t need a wallet.”

Ven frowned. “But it comes out, right?”

“If you want it to.”

The other two scanned through the gate, and a woman in a lab coat smiled. “Miss, please come with me.”

Reynaldo rubbed her back in encouragement.

She walked off with the woman, and the woman smiled. “It isn’t anything weird. I am just a lab tech. I do this and some of the etching on the emeralds. My name is Kai.”


“Is that your full name?”

“Um, Venetia Ember Alder.” She smiled. “I chose it when I was nineteen.”

Kai’s fingers moved over a tablet she pulled out of her coat. They were walking through a huge stone room that was polished and yet didn’t send sound echoing. They entered a room with a red cross on the door, and Kai gestured for her to sit in the chair.

Kai finished typing on her tablet. There was a hum from the corner, and she used forceps to take a small dark rice grain and put it into a solution. She rocked it around and then loaded the small piece into something that looked like a combination of injector and shovel. The numbing injection was quick, and then the grain went into the base of her hand. There was a bit of blood, but Kai moved quickly and pressed down on the entry point. She held the skin shut and then added a drop of glue. “There you go.”

“Uh. Thank you. So, this is my ID?”

“Yes. It has been linked to you and your account here.” Kai smiled. “Huh. It’s invisible.”

Ven looked, and there was a slight bump on her darkened skin. She flexed her hand. It felt a little stiff but not too bad. “Thanks. Where do I go now?”

“I know where the king is.”

“Why do you guys have a king?”
