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The doctor came in and looked a little nervous. “Miss, I am going to have to check the scan again.”

She winced. “The wand?”

“Uh, no. Actually, that isn’t necessary anymore.”

“What? Oh, no.” Ven started to shake and got pale.

The doctor gripped her hands. “It’s fine. It’s just bigger than expected.”

She blinked. “Bigger?”

Her skirt got scooted down, and the conductive gel hit her belly. She gasped, and then the scanner slipped and slid until it found flickering. The doctor flicked a switch, and a rhythmic surging sound filled the room. He smiled. “The heartbeat is definitely strong.”

Syar whispered, “Whoa.”

Reynaldo grinned.

Ven cried.

They gathered around her and worked to calm her. Since the embryo was far enough along, they got the DNA tested and headed home. The results would be sent to them via email.

They were walking home while Ven giggled and cried in turns. Two weeks of pregnancy had turned into fourteen weeks. The baby might slow down when it got larger, but things were going fast.

She asked Syar, “So, where is the nursery going to go?”

“I thought the queen’s room would be a good place to start.”

“But... that’s where I keep my stuff.”

Reynaldo smiled. “Your desk was set up in the office today, and your luggage can go in our closet. You already have a dresser.”

She sighed. She put her hands on her belly. “It’s alive.”

“It’s alive.” He held her.

“Will you guys be upset if it is the other one’s?”

Syar grinned. “If it is Reynaldo’s, I will be excited. I told you that.”


“If it is Syar’s, it will be loved and spoiled, and then I will let him have it for a few minutes. I will just have to try harder next time.”

They all chuckled, but Reynaldo’s beast appeared behind his eyes. Yeah, trying harder was on his agenda.

Ven gasped and panted. “Seriously. I am good. You can do business and computer stuff and meetings and things. Reynaldo, too. You can go walk the perimeter or something.”

They chuckled and kept moving inside her. Syar murmured behind her, “Are you feeling better?”

She moaned and clutched at Reynaldo. “I am feeling everything.”

They kept moving until all three shuddered together. They started up for the fourth time, and she figured out that they were taking the afternoon off.

Ven got the email and opened it, scrolling down to see the result, and she grinned. Sex and paternity.

She looked across at the other desks. “Guys. Check your email.”

They both opened the files from hospital, and Reynaldo started laughing, and Syar cried. Ven got up and ran around Syar’s desk, hugging him as he dealt with learning that he was going to have a little princess of his own.
