Page 41 of Watering Stone

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Keahi chuckled. “My beast just perked up and got the urge to go looking for something pretty for you.”

“Aw, you guysaresomething pretty.”

Nalu chuckled and continued the neck and back rub. She made the sound again and groaned. “That’s going to get old fast.”

Nalu murmured, “Not for me.”

She stretched. “I need a shower. Or a swim. Or both.”

Nalu sighed. “A swim, I can’t do. We do have to practice after lunch.”

“What time is it?”

Mano spoke from across the hall. “Ten. Jack should be here on the next commercial flight.”

She paused and looked at him. “Jack?”

Mano nodded. “He’s your friend Luna’s mate. He’s bringing along some friends to help Gia out.”

Elly sighed. “Well, he is representing some of the betas, including Luna. Well, when she isn’t preggers. She’s the drummer. Her son is adorable.”

Nalu chuckled. “The baby?”

“The eighteen-year-old.” She laughed. “Eric is very cute, sweet, and helpful.”

He hummed in her ear, “He’s an alpha?”

“You could say that. Since he’s Jack’s son, you can guess at what he is.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t you even think about it.”

“Aw, I can think about it. Check my emotional state.”

He frowned and used the link. “You think of him like a puppy.”

“Yup. As I said, he is cute and sweet and helpful. But don’t tell him that.”

He squeezed her. “I won’t.”

He tilted her head back, and fire cascaded down her throat.

She was not going to put this into a book.

She was back at the residence when the guys had to go do their practice and wardrobe finals. The babies were all happy and slowly waving little fists in the air. Penina was being instructed on the details of becoming queen one day while Syar wore her in a baby wrap.

Ven sat with Elly, and she smiled. “I hear that a bunch of club members are going to be performing.”

“Yup. Sounds like quite the party.”

Ven cleared her throat. “So, when do you think we should head out?”

Elly rocked the twins. “I think that the littles need you and myself more.”

“Well, according to Syar, there is a royal box that we can settle in, and Reynaldo’s mother is coming in to meet her grandbabies, and she’s willing to watch Penina as well.”

Elly cocked her head. “I haven’t been to a concert in years.”

Venetia smiled. “I’ve got great seats.”
