Page 20 of The Don's Captor

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“I’m not the only one that needs sleep. Come on, let’s get to bed,” she said as she kept my hand within hers.

I doubted I could fall asleep, but I wanted Natalie to sleep. She needed it far more than I did. I followed her inside, and she took us to my bedroom. This was a bad idea. This wasn’t going to be sex. This would be us curled up in the same bed, sleeping. It was more intimate and a wall I should be fighting to keep up between us, but I couldn’t seem to bring myself to do it right now.

I allowed her to pull me over to the bed, and when she got under the covers and held them open for me, I didn’t hesitate to slip under them. Almost instantly, she was curling up against my chest, and I wrapped my left arm around her. This was the first time we fell asleep in a bed together. I had to admit I did miss the feeling. I ran my hand through Natalie’s hair. I allowed myself to enjoy listening to her breathing evening out as she drifted off to sleep. To my surprise, I wasn’t far behind her.

Chapter seventeen


Waking up curled into Armando’s chest was not something I had ever expected to be doing. What made it worse was I woke up feeling good, warm and cared for. Cuddling had always been one of my favorite things when I had a boyfriend, not that Armando was my boyfriend. Still, I enjoyed feeling his arms around me, the rise and fall of his chest as he slept and hearing the rhythmic beating of his heart. For a moment, if I kept my eyes closed, I could pretend I wasn’t lying in this bed in a place where I was being held against my will.

Rather, we were curled up back at my home in my bed, which would be too small for us to fit. What was surprising was the fact that I didn’t mind the little image I had created. I should have been bothered by the fact that I was curled up against a man who was violent and dangerous. He was a killer. I should be terrified of him, regardless of how well he has treated me. And yet, I wasn’t. I didn’t even think of him as a killer, which was even more dangerous.

I had forgotten who he was and what he was. I had allowed myself to get lost in his pain of losing Alexis and in his pain of losing his unborn baby. I had allowed myself to get lost in the pleasure his body could give me. I had allowed myself to lose focus on what truly mattered, and that wasn’t my growing feelings for him. I had to squash them down and focus on my escape, to focus on my unborn baby and the life I wanted him or her to have.

I knew what needed to be done, so why was I feeling so guilty? Why was my heart telling me that what I was doing was wrong? This was a man who had helped to kidnap me. This was a man who had killed my father. This man was holding me captive and ensuring I never left. This man would be ripping my baby from my arms before he killed me. I owed this man nothing. I owed him no sympathy or mercy, just as he would not show me any.

So, why was my heart making me feel guilty for using his pain against him? He wouldn’t feel guilty for anything he was about to do to me. He wasn’t feeling guilty for killing my father, something I still didn’t know how to feel about. I shouldn’t feel any guilt for my own actions, especially when they are driven purely by survival.

I squashed those feelings and forced my mind and heart to focus on what truly mattered. My baby. I was doing all of this for him or her, exactly what any good loving mother would do. I didn’t doubt for a second that my mother wouldn’t have done this or more if it meant I would live and we would have a chance to be together. Those other women might have been happy to allow these men to control and dictate what happened to them and their unborn children, but I wasn’t those women and was not about to start now. If my actions were hurting Armando, well too bad. He was a big boy and would have to deal with it. I couldn’t lose focus on what mattered the most. Armando was a criminal, a killer, and I would not feel sorry for him.

I turned my head and kissed his bare chest as I ran my hand down his stomach. He took a deep breath in as he started to wake up. His hand on my left arm started to rub it; I knew he was trying to clear the tiredness from his mind. A quick glance at the bedside table let me see his phone; it was just after nine. We didn’t get much sleep last night, but surprisingly, I wasn’t all that tired. I didn’t even feel sick, which was a delightful surprise.

“Morning,” I said as I continued kissing his chest.

“Morning, he said with exhaustion edging his voice, giving it a nice gruff tone that shot into my core and made it pulse. I had to admit that I had not been this horny before in my life. These extra pregnancy hormones were putting my sex drive into overdrive.

I shifted and started to kiss my way down his chest and over his stomach. I wiggled down, and instead of slowly teasing him, I went for what I wanted. I wanted to feel him in my mouth, and that was exactly what I would do. I instantly wrapped my mouth around the tip of his cock and began sucking on it. He gave a deep moan at the pleasure and surprise of it. I wasted no time working my way down the length of his cock until I was balls deep. I felt his breathing pick up as he ran his fingers through my hair and moved them back so he could watch me work on him. I was good at this and quickly applied pressure to all his sensitive areas. It wasn’t long before he was moaning and writhing beneath me.

“Shit, baby, you’re gonna make me cum if you don’t stop,” he warned me.

I knew I could have pulled back but I needed to taste him. I worked his cock faster and felt him harden within my mouth. I gave a deep moan, sending vibrations throughout his body. He emitted a deep groan as his hips snapped up and pulsed within my mouth. I moaned as his taste hit my tongue; I easily swallowed what he had for me. When he stopped pulsing, I didn’t pull back. Instead, I continued working his sensitive shaft to get him fully hard again. I felt him pull my head off, pulling me in for a rough kiss as he flipped us.

I felt his hands on my stomach as he moved my shirt up. We pulled back just enough for him to remove it. He began to kiss down my neck and worked his way toward my breasts. He took each of my nipples into his mouth; I was instantly moaning and arching up into his touch. He continued his journey down my body, only to stop at my left hip to suck hard on it, causing me to give a deep and needy moan as he left behind a hickey. I was already worked up, and I was in desperate need of more.

“Armando,” I whined.

“Yes, baby?” he asked, and I could feel the smirk on his face as he pulled my shorts and panties down. Before he went, he quickly rid me of the articles and started to place kisses along my inner left thigh.

“Please,” I moaned.

“Please, what?” he teased. He knew damn well what I was asking for.

“You know what,” I whined, hoping he wouldn’t make me say it. I might die if he did.

He kissed his way up my inner thigh and worked his way over to my core. I gave a deep moan as I felt his tongue work its way up my folds and finally grant me the contact I desperately wanted.

“Is that what you want, baby?” he teased.

“Oh, yes,” I answered breathlessly.

He gave me another long lick and moaned as he spoke. “You taste like honey, baby.”

I closed my eyes as his tongue worked me over. I’ve had past boyfriends do this, but none made it feel this good. This man had a magical tongue, taking my body to new heights. I felt him slip a finger inside me, and I arched back as a loud moan erupted. I had to grip the sheets to keep my hands from running through his hair.

I could feel my climax rising, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long before he was making me cum. He slipped in another finger and was instantly seeking out my sweet spot. I couldn’t stop my hips from wiggling as I felt heat deep within my stomach. He pulled back slightly as he spoke in a husky voice flooded with arousal.

“That’s it, baby, cum for me. Let me taste that sweet nectar.”
