Page 7 of The Don's Captor

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She stormed inside, and I had to fight the urge to go after her. I didn’t know what to do once I reached her, though. Part of me wanted to tell her off for speaking to me this way. To demand she respects me and my title of Don. The problem was that she didn’t know who I was or why I was there, and I was not about to risk everything for her.

The other part of me, the part I was struggling to keep in check, wanted to go after her and kiss her myself. It had been a long time since I had found a woman who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believed in or was afraid of a challenge. She would take it head-on. She was brave and resilient, and that made her very sexy in my mind.

She was also off limits, and despite what my body was screaming for, I had to be smart. I had to listen to my brain and remember why I was here. It wasn't to save her but to kill Dom. With his death, others will be safe from experiencing this horror. I had to do this for them and for Alexis. Natalie’s fate would have to rest in her own hands; mine were full.

Chapter seven


I couldn’t sleep. That was not surprising, considering everything that had been going on for the past couple of days. My body felt weird. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt unsettled, anxious even, but I wasn’t really anxious. That was the weird part. I just couldn’t seem to settle no matter what I did. I decided to venture out of my room to see what I could find. I hadn’t had the chance to fully explore between Armando being awake and Lorenzo there. I was still pissed about today about both men, but mostly at myself for not seeing it coming.

I should have been more aware of my surroundings; then I wouldn’t have gotten caught off guard by Lorenzo. I wouldn’t have needed Armando to come to my rescue and get the following lecture. I hated being trapped in this position and unable to do anything about it. The one comfort I had was nine months to figure out how to escape this place. I would prefer sooner compared to later, though.

I headed into the kitchen to check out what was in the cupboards. I didn’t know what I expected to find, but it was all the basic stuff: dishes and food. The fridge was the same, but it held all healthy food, and my mind couldn’t help but think about what I wanted to eat tomorrow. I knew I had to eat healthy, so my baby would get all the vitamins he or she needed.

At least I wouldn’t have to worry about expenses while I was here, not that that was any form of comfort. I didn’t find any weapons, just a few sharp knives, which might come in handy, assuming I wasn’t overpowered by the guys trying to stab them. I didn’t like my odds, and I suspected they would all be counted, and if the second one went missing, the whole house would be turned upside down to find it.

I checked out the living room next; a quick search told me there weren’t any weapons here either. The furniture was lovely - worn but not old. It was that comfy, worn-in look where the seats are soft and not rock hard like when you first brought them home. Under different circumstances, this would have been a dream come true - to enjoy a place as beautiful as this one. Knowing what goes on in here gave the home a creepy vibe. As if I could walk through a closed door and see a torture chamber complete with blood splatter all over the walls and a drain in the floor. Like Martha Stewart on the outside and Norman Bates on the inside.

The way the house was, I couldn’t help but wonder who had decorated the place. I couldn’t picture Dominic or Armando picking out accent pillows and paint colors. I couldn’t help a small chuckle at the mental image instantly conjured up in my head. Dominic and Armando standing in Pier One Imports, talking to a sales associate about which rug went best with the throw pillows and lamps.

Oh man, fuck me, I was starting to find humor in this situation, and that wasn’t a good thing. There was nothing good about this, and I needed to keep my head in the game. I had to find a way to connect with Armando or a weak spot that I could exploit to my benefit. Maybe Armando wasn’t my best choice, though.

Maybe I should be waiting for one of the other guys. Surely, it won’t be just him and I for nine months. He must have other jobs for Dominic or go home, and I don’t know, water his plants. Maybe he’s got a cat, though he seems more like a dog person to me.

I went to the backdoor but didn’t try to open it. I could see the red light on the top of the frame, indicating that the alarm was armed. The last thing I needed was for the house to sound like an air-raid siren was going off. I couldn’t see much out back with the lights being motion censored. I was hoping to spend some time outside tomorrow and maybe even tomorrow evening with the fire pit going. I have never had much outdoor experience. I’d always lived in apartments, some more rundown and disgusting than others, but I had always dreamt of having a house and having children.

I had to give up on my dream of children. Still, the house dream lived on until I was eighteen and discovered that they were way too expensive. I would never be able to afford one working for minimum wage. It was an endless circle, though, because I couldn’t make more unless I went to school, but I couldn't go to school because I made too much to qualify for student loans. It was stupid.

The result was hoping I could start at the bottom and work my way up, but that had fallen short very quickly. If I survived all of this, I would have to do better to find a way to support myself and this baby. I wasn’t going to allow them to grow up like I did.

Letting out a sigh, I headed back up the stairs. I didn’t really feel like sitting up and watching TV. I wasn’t much of a TV person to begin with. I spent most of my time working or on the internet. I didn’t have a favorite show that I looked forward to all week long. I was a Netflix person when sick and needed a distraction. Never any reality TV, as I couldn’t stand half of those people. Plus, the last thing I wanted to see was someone’s rich and famous lifestyle that I was never going to achieve.

Just as I passed the bedroom closest to the top of the stairs, I heard a faint moaning sound. I knew it had to be coming from Armando, and I couldn’t help but hope that maybe he was having a nightmare. It would serve him right after everything he had done to me - and I am sure others.

I saw that the door was ajar, so he likely could hear if I was sneaking around. The joke’s on him; I learned today which spots on the floor made a creek so I can avoid them. I knew I should have just continued returning to my room, but curiosity got the better of me. Part of me was actually hoping he was suffering from a nightmare. I would have loved to see the pain written on his face.

I carefully peeked inside, keeping my body as close to the door frame as possible just in case he woke up and spotted me. The room was lit by the moonlight coming through the open curtains. I don’t know why, but I would have figured he’d be the man to sleep in the pitch dark. From what I could see, the room appeared to be the same as mine, although I couldn’t see every corner.

My eyes scanned the room to the left side, where the bed was. To my surprise, although Armando wasn’t sleeping, he was lying on top of the covers with his shirt off and his pants and boxers down around his ankles. His hand was slowly stroking his cock.

Now, I should have walked away. I should have allowed him this moment of privacy, yet despite knowing what he was doing, I couldn’t seem to get my feet to listen. My eyes were glued to his prone position, watching his hand move up and down his enormous cock. Even from this distance, I could see he was very well blessed in that department. I licked my lips as my eyes stayed glued to the scene in front of me.

He released a deep moan as his hips thrust upward; I couldn’t help but imagine how good he would feel inside me. I was a sucker for a bad boy. He was a next-level bad boy, but I strongly felt he would be amazing in bed with the kind of talent that would ruin you for other men.

He moaned again as he picked up the pace with his hand. I could tell from here that he was getting closer, and I mentally kicked myself for not looking into his room early when I walked by. I might have been able to get the entire show. He was lightly panting, and I found myself wishing I could be the cause of it.

I wanted to feel him inside of me. I wanted to taste and watch as I drove him crazy with my mouth. It had to be the pregnancy hormones, which was the only logical explanation for why I was still watching the scene play out. I could feel myself growing wetter between my folds, and my body pulsed with the need to cum. With a mixture of a growl and moan, he was cumming. I could just see the shine of his cum, spurting out of his tip and traveling down his hand and over his glorious cock.

My mouth watered at the possibility of tasting it. Had he been anyone else, I would have gone into the room long ago and climbed on top of him. He emitted softer moans with each pulse, which only made me crave him more.

Once he stopped moving his hand, I knew he was done, and it was time for me to sneak away. The last thing I needed was for him to see me standing here. Carefully, I slipped away from the door frame and headed back down the hallway. Closing my door as softly as possible, I immediately headed to my bed and crawled in. The walk around the house hadn’t helped to settle my body and mind, but now I knew exactly what would. I slipped off my own shorts and panties and allowed my mind to wander into a world where none of this was happening, and Armando was free to worship my body.

Chapter eight


It was nearing ten in the morning, and I hadn’t heard anything from Natalie’s room, not even the sound of her throwing up. I had no idea if she was awake, but I had made her a simple breakfast. I didn’t tend to cook for others, only when given no other choice, but this time around, I couldn’t help myself. There was something about her. Maybe that fire and spark within her eyes had yet to dim, even with everything she knew would happen.
