Page 56 of A Laird's Conquest

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Mercifully, such extremes were not called for. He drove his cock deep. Hard and fast. It was all she could have wished for and more than she dreamed of, but still she ground her hips against him, seeking even greater penetration. She squeezed her inner channel around his length, gripping hard, dragging every last shred of friction from their frantic joining.

He withdrew, then plunged inside her again, and again. Each swift, balls-deep stroke sent her body jerking forward, but his hands were on her shoulders, holding her in place for the next relentless surge.

He was not gentle, but Katherine did not care. She wanted this. She craved his roughness, his demanding, powerful mastery. She was his now. She knew it, so did he.

And this was the proof. This incredible, chaotic riot of joy and pain. He hurt her. He pleasured her. And she was greedy for all of it. For all of him.

She let out a ragged moan when her climax swelled from deep in her core, sweeping her battered senses along with it. The rush of pleasure was primal, intense, utterly overwhelming. Her channel convulsed helplessly around her husband’s solid girth. Shudders of pure ecstasy welled forth, surging to every part of her now nerveless body. She was flying, spinning, gripping the mattress in her fists and screaming into the blankets.

Robbie’s cock stilled, then jerked violently. He let out a roar. Liquid heat gushed to fill her, then he collapsed on top of her limp body.

His breath was in her ear, deep, rasping. For several moments, he was a dead weight, pressing her into the mattress, but she did not care. She relished the feel of him, in her, on her. Too soon, he stiffened, then withdrew.

She was bereft, his cock no longer inside her. But he was not done. He dragged her into his arms, this time draping her boneless form over his chest. She realised that neither of them had removed so much as a stitch of clothing, yet even so…

He kissed her hair and nuzzled the top of her head. “Wee Kat, ye do amaze me.”

“I think I amaze myself,” she replied. “I have never… I mean, not so much as…”

He chuckled. “Well, I cannae say I never spanked a woman before, but never to such glorious effect.” He reached down to pat her tender buttocks. “Ye have the most spankable arse it has ever been my pleasure tae encounter.”

“Thank you,” she replied, for want of a better response

He rolled onto his side and tucked her in the crook of his arm, then tipped up her chin with his fingertips. “Was it good for ye, as much as for me?”

She reddened again, despite the wicked intimacy of what had just passed between them. But she was smiling when she met his gaze. “It was good. Very good. I… I believe I might like to do it again.”

“What, now?” He appeared somewhat taken aback at the notion.

“Perhaps not quite immediately, but…soon.”

“Soon. Aye.” He nodded, then, “D’ye think we should join our guests?”

They most certainly should. Katherine knew that. She was ever the diligent hostess. Her duty was ingrained upon her soul.

“Maybe,” she replied. “Perhaps later…”


Robbie stretched and cracked open his eyelids. Midsummer sunlight flooded his chamber. The day was already warm.

Not nearly so warm, though, as the woman curled up at his side.

Katherine muttered something in her sleep, the words incomprehensible. She wriggled closer. She had slung one naked leg across his thighs during the night, and her full breasts were currently pressed against his ribs. Robbie wrapped his right arm about her and drew her even closer in order to kiss her forehead.

They had only been wed a month, but already he felt that he had known Kat for a lifetime. They laughed together. They played. They ate, they slept.

And they made love.

Every day. At every opportunity. His bride was as insatiable as he, and every bit as adventurous. He had unleashed a monster, though one he adored more with every day that passed.

Their chamber had seen much activity, and not always at night. But he had also bent her over a bale of straw in the stables, and he had fucked her beside the loch in full view of any passing fisherman. On one glorious and not-to-be forgotten occasion, he had had her straddle him whilst in the saddle and had thrust his cock up into her while Zeus found his own steady way home. That had been unwise, he was prepared to concede. They might both have broken their necks if the stallion had encountered a rabbit along the lane.

She never failed to protest and remind him of the need for discretion. It was her way, after all. But without fail she succumbed to his touch.

His sudden decision to make Katherine of Elborne his wife had been driven by desire, to some extent, but it had been as much as anything a political move. Or so he had told himself. Somewhere in the last few weeks, the strategic advantages of the match had paled. His need for Kat was now much more basic.

He loved her, or at least, he thought he might. No other woman had ensnared his heart or his cock in anything like the same way, and there had been enough who had tried.
