Page 19 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“So, what’s up then?”

Max turned off the range, dumping the two eggs onto a plate. “Hang on.” Opening the oven, the bacon sizzling, the smell absolutely amazing, he set the pan on the burners to cool. “You know the problems I’ve been having with her?”

“The flirting?”

“Yeah, I guess. Well, it’s been… worse than ever.”

Mitchell roared with laughter again.

“Not funny, dude!”

“Yes, it is.” Mitchell coughed, getting himself under control. “Max, you gotta understand—this is completely normal. You’re a good-looking man, she’s a young woman. Not surprising that flirting happens, at least from her end. If you don’t make a big deal about it, then it isn’t one, you know?”

“Easy for you to say…”

“Believe me, I’m the last person on Earth who would equate anything to do with raising Kelsey as ‘easy.’ Now you just get to see for yourself, I guess.”

“Whatever, dude. Look, it’s fine. It really isn’t a huge deal, in the grand scheme of things. But I’ve had to talk to her. I think… I think this auction thing will get it out of her system. I hope anyway.”

Mitchell’s chuckle was knowing, and maybe a little sly. “It’s never that simple, my friend.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“While we’re on the subject, to get serious for a minute.” Mitchell cleared his throat. “I’ve noticed her grades are… not the best, of late. She been out boozing it up? Boys? Anything you’ve noticed?”

“Not that I’ve seen—but that’s not saying much. She could be up to all kinds of shit, and I’d probably be oblivious to it. I’m guessing I only see the things she wants me to see.”

Mitchell grunted. “That’s probably right. Just… if you can, keep an eye on her. You know?”

“Of course.”

“I don’t think it’s out of hand—not yet, anyway—but I don’t want it to get to that point. Especially with me stuck all the way out here.”

Max sat down at his table, his steaming food piled atop the plate. He was practically drooling.

“You still coming back next month?” He shoveled in a forkful of eggs, only barely suppressing a moan of pleasure.

“Yeah… about that.” Mitchell paused. “VP wants me to stay a while. Maybe quite a while.”

Max took a sip from a glass of orange juice. “How long?”

“Fuck… months. Might not be home until just before Christmas.”

“Jesus, Mitch.” He shook his head, knowing what it meant for him—but also knowing Mitchell missed his daughter.

“Yeah, sucks—but they’re throwing a shitload of money at me for this. Like, eye-popping numbers. So, it could be a lot worse.” There was the sound of muffled voices in the background on Mitchell’s end. “Hey, Max, I gotta go. Meeting in a couple minutes. You good?”

“Oh, sure, things are fine. She’s in capable hands. I’ll try to keep her ass out of trouble.”

“Do whatever you need to. I trust your judgment. She’ll listen to you, but it might mean putting your foot down now and then.”

“You think she’ll listen to me? You’ve got more confidence about that than I do. Pain in the ass, remember?”

Mitchell snorted with laughter. “How could I forget? Hey, have fun with the auction. I mean it. Just don’t knock up any college bitches, okay?”

Chapter 6

“Oh… my… God,” Nicole said, her voice almost a squeak. “Is that… is that him over there?”
