Page 27 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“Wanna go get something to eat, or coffee?” She bit her lower lip. “Something?”

“This isn’t a date, Kels. Despite the fact you need to make it look that way.” He pointed at her. “You’re taking me home.”

Chapter 8

As she stood on his porch behind him, Kelsey was almost trembling.

They hadn’t so much as said a single word on the way over, though she’d expected Max to read her the riot act for keeping the real events of the auction secret from him until it was entirely too late.

But really, was it? He could have still refused, right up until the moment Catherine had pulled his number from that black felt hat.

But he hadn’t.

Though she could surmise as to why, that fact filled her with a warm satisfaction. What if he’d still gone ahead with it because he simply couldn’t live with the crestfallen look she’d definitely have given him?

It was a certain power, in a way, she had over him. That subtle force of manipulation—or at least influence.

He threw the deadbolt with a thunk, then turned to her, his hand still resting on the door’s handle.

“You really should have told me ahead of time.” His voice was soft, but the somber line of his lips was anything but. “I don’t like deception, Kelsey.”

“I know… I know. I… I just thought I had to, I guess.” She hoped a smile up at him would thaw him a little bit. “At least you got to have hot girls drool all over you, right? Cassandra’s like the hottest bitch in the whole sorority, and she wanted you worse than…” Her voice caught in her throat, as she realized the comparison she was making. “Well, I mean… she was really into you.”

Max’s lips curled just the slightest bit. “Who was it that wanted me worse than Cassandra, hmm?”


Nothing ever got past him. She both loved him and hated him for it.

“Never mind. It was a dumb thing to say. I am sorry though. Do you forgive me?”

He looked upon her for a moment. “No, not yet.”

“W-what? Why not?” She cringed inside at the shocked entitlement in her tone, but she’d been raised that you always accepted someone’s apology, that you forgave them—if they offered it with sincere remorse.

Guess that explains why he didn’t accept yours, idiot.

He stepped closer to her, his proximity emphasizing his height. Even with her heels on, he towered over her. “Because with an apology should come an atonement. Something offered to make amends.”

“You’re my dad’s best friend. Not my pastor.”

He chuckled softly at that. “Funny. But that’s not what I meant.”

She pressed him on it, even though she knew it was likely not well advised.

Playing things safe was boring.

“Do I need to offer confession, Father?” She pressed her hands together. “Lay bare my sins?”

“You’re a smartass,” he said, scowling suddenly.

She tried to laugh it off though, hoping he’d relax a little. “Joking! God, dude!”

His hand came up, cupping her chin, squeezing it gently, but pointedly.

She froze dead still, heart pounding in her throat. He’d never touched her like this. Not once.

“This isn’t a joking matter, girl.” His dark eyes bored into hers as he looked upon her, his jaw tight.
