Page 28 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“Uh… okay,” she murmured, her voice quavering ever so slightly. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know why she said it, but she knew exactly why her nipples were suddenly tight, aching, her pussy hot and slick.

What’s happening here?

He held her a moment longer, watching her silently, his grip pure possessiveness, something she never imagined him actually doing… but what she’d dreamed of many more times than she’d ever admit.

He let her go, but his gaze stayed on her, its weight more than sufficient to keep her right where she stood, her mouth dry, pulse rushing in her ears.

The night was warm, bugs flitting here and there under the floodlight just to the left of his porch.

“Do the other girls ever fuck the bachelors they win?”

Her mouth fell open, and she actually clapped a hand to her face, her voice a mumble through her fingers. “Um, what?”

“You don’t ever wonder what happens?” He cracked a tiny smile. “Afterward?”

The answer was easy—of course they did. And yes, they all talked about it. Boasted, most of the time. Especially if he had a good dick, or knew how to eat pussy.

What wasn’t nearly so easy was deciding whether to tell Max the truth about that.

“I don’t know… it’s sort of whispered about, I guess? Nobody really knows who’s bullshitting.” That part was actually true; she had no doubt some of them were lying their asses off. “Some of the girls are probably doing a lot more than just flirting and kissing though.”

“Mm, I wonder, too.” He turned to face her fully, crossing his arms. “I want to know something. I want the truth from you. Understand?”

She nodded, peering up at him through her lashes. It wasn’t the first time Max had engendered such emotions in her, but at that moment… she felt a lot like a disobedient, chastened girl.

And it was making her extremely wet.

“Why did you bid on me tonight?”



“This isn’t a difficult question, Kelsey. I want an answer. Spit it out.”

She shifted her weight, but somehow knew if she took so much as a step away, he’d seize her, hold her right where he wanted her.

Her clit actually pulsed with that imagery playing out in her mind’s eye.

“I don’t know. I—”

“Yes, you do,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. It was still smooth, but it had a vibrato to it now, the subtlest of threats submerged just under the surface. “Stop playing games.”

She sighed heavily, hating that he wouldn’t let her off the hook. “I just… wanted to. I wanted to… be able to have all the girls see me lead you away. Wonder what we’d do. Or what…”

“Say it. Come on.” He was irritated now, but the glint in his eyes spoke of something far more than just irritation, a dark energy there she’d only seen in…

Guys who want to fuck you.

It was time to get this back under some semblance of control. Trying to guide the flow and subject of a conversation with Max in the direction she wanted was like riding a bronc with both hands tied behind her back.

And he was about to buck her right off.

“Look, can we talk about something else?”

“No. Not yet, anyway.”

“Uh, and why is that, Max?” She folded her arms together under her breasts.
