Page 37 of Kelsey's Keeper

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She hoped those sounds wouldn’t count as disobeying his order to be silent.

What are you, his fucking slave girl, now? What the fuck, Kelsey!

His fingers hurt—a lot—but she endured, nonetheless, fascinated and strangely excited at having a man so callously enjoy her body. She should have been angry, insulted, but instead, it only made her pussy drip even more. She couldn’t remember ever having been this wet, save perhaps that day after she’d sent him her naughty photo of her panties-clad pussy.

“Come here,” Max said, finally letting go of her nipples, taking her by one wrist, his grip firm, authoritative, but there was another undercurrent to it she wasn’t quite sure how to process.

It was more than a little paternalistic, too.

When she tried to snap her bra closed, he gently slapped her hands away. “Leave it. I want those tits out, where I can see them.”

She dropped her gaze, arousal and embarrassment a roiling, heavy weight deep in her belly. “O-okay.”

Then he led her, in silence, into the deep shadows of his living room.

Chapter 10

So many things whirled like a maelstrom within his mind at that moment. Most of all though, he needed to have her close. It shouldn’t have been the first thing he needed, but it was true.

She looked impossibly lovely as she stood there before him, bra undone, her breasts bared for him just as he’d demanded. She was wringing her hands together in front of her thighs, her pretty white teeth worrying the corner of her mouth. Her glassy blue eyes searched him through the fringe of her lashes.

He beckoned her to where he sat on the couch. “Come here.”

Kelsey instantly flew into his lap, almost knocking the wind out of him. She curled around his body, her soft breasts pillowed against his side, her thigh draped over his lap, her face buried against his neck. Her breath was warm and humid against his skin, and not for the first time that night, he wanted her naked flesh against his.

You need to shut up and stop digging. You’ve fucked up here, and in a massive way.

Of course, that was true, but here, in this moment, he didn’t care. There would be plenty of time to worry about the fallout of what he’d just done to Mitchell’s daughter.

Now was not going to be that time.

Because now, he needed to talk.

Her body was trembling against his. He took her hand, twining his fingers with hers, holding it there in the gap between his thighs.

Never, ever would he have imagined holding her like this. Never, ever would he have imagined how good it felt, having her in his arms.

“Kelsey, I want to know something.”

“Mmm?” she sighed, pressing even closer to him, the heat of her body, the scent of her arousal, the fragrance in her hair, it all was too much, threatening to undo his resolve. To do what needed to be done.

“Do you understand what just happened?”

She nodded against his jaw.

“Tell me. In your own words.”

This was vital, if he was going to figure out how to extricate them both from this mess.

“I flirted, and pushed, until you gave in to what you truly wanted.”

“What makes you so sure it was what I was after?”

She nuzzled his neck. “You’re a man. I don’t hear you denying you wanted this either.”

“What I want and what I should have are two different things—and you know it.”

Kelsey stirred against him again, her hand easing over his chest, her words a soft murmur against his neck. “What makes you think you shouldn’t want… what just happened?”
