Page 38 of Kelsey's Keeper

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Max sighed, his voice almost a growl. “You’re putting words in my mouth, Kelsey, and I don’t like it.”

She raised her head then, gazing up at him, her eyes seeming alight in the shadows of the living room. “I’m…I’m sorry.”

He didn’t want to admit to himself how good it felt to hear her say those words, the subtle element of humbleness, even shame, in her tone making his cock twitch anew. He patted her hip. “All right, sit up, girl. Here’s what’s going to happen, and I don’t want to hear any protests from you, either.”

“Um, okay.” She shifted her weight, dropping her feet to the floor, her palms set atop her thighs, the young woman looking suddenly looking almost… nervous.

He wasn’t sure why he liked that, too, but he most definitely did.

Rising to his feet, he paced in front of the couch for a moment, hands on his hips, trying not to look at the lovely woman seated next to him on the couch.

She’s not just some woman, Max. She’s Kelsey.

Which was precisely why what he was about to say needed to be said. “You and I, we’re going to chalk this up to the tension of the night, and pretend this didn’t happen. You got me?”

Kelsey’s mouth actually fell open, then her jaw snapped shut once more as if she realized she resembled a landed fish. “I… I don’t know. How? How do I do that?”

Max shrugged. “We go back to how things were before… before we screwed up. I think we can handle that okay, don’t you?”

“I… I guess so. I mean…I thought that—”

“There’s no guess about it, Kelsey. This was dumb, and it shouldn’t have happened.”

“So are you saying that we just go on like normal?”

He tried not to stare at her breasts, her shirt still wide open. Displaying them, reminding him of how easily he’d lost control. At the one moment he should have done… anything but what he did. “Look, nothing about what we did is normal. But there’s nothing good that’s going to come of this. This was dumb, we shouldn’t have done it, but there’s no reason we can’t just, I don’t know. Forget about it.”

She grunted. “I’m not just going to forget about this, Max. I’ve wanted this for a very long time. And if you think I’m just going to act like this never happened, or go away, or not want more… then you’ve got another think coming.”

He stopped, facing her, giving her the coolest expression he could muster despite how gorgeous she looked sitting there half naked. “The only think I expect to have coming my way is you listening to me, and seeing some sense. Nothing more is going to come of this. You got me?”

“No, I don’t. I don’t understand why you’re doing this. Are you going to stand there and tell me it wasn’t the best you’ve ever had?”

He watched her for a moment, unsure where she was going with us. How could she have known that it was, in fact, the best he’d ever had? It was even better than he imagined it would be.

Though he didn’t want to think about how often he had imagined it.

“What I do, or do not, think about what we just did literally doesn’t matter. But everything else does. Are you going to sit there and tell me that the circumstances don’t matter? Because they do, and you know it.” He pointed at her bare breasts. “You need to put those away. They’re… distracting me.”

She grinned mischievously at that, her head tilting as she looked up at him. “Do you really want me to do that? I mean, you seemed to love them just a few minutes ago.”

“Jesus Christ, Kelsey. You need to stop with that shit. Did you listen to anything I just said?”

“Of course, I did, Uncle Max.” Kelsey stood up, buttoning her shirt slowly, locking her gaze with his as she did, taking a step closer. “The question though is… is that really what you want me to do? Or is it only what you think is right?”

He didn’t remark on her use of the now forbidden moniker for the moment; he had bigger problems on his hands. He knew what he had to do, but inside he wanted something entirely different.

That’s your dick talking.

“You’re pressing your luck here, Kelsey. You know that right? And I’m not even talking about you calling me uncle again, either.”

She fastened the last button, and gave him another smile, this one about a million watts brighter. “You say that as if you don’t like it when I call you that. But I think the truth is something quite different.”

“Knock it off!” he snapped, walking toward the front door. He opened it, the pale light from the porch spilling across the foyer floor. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to get your things, you’re going to walk out that door, and you’re going to go home.”

Her expression sobered then, but the light of playfulness still danced in her eyes. Perhaps she thought he was still only messing around, that he wasn’t truly serious about this. It was time to disabuse her of that notion. “I’m serious, Kelsey. Get your ass back to the house. If you get back in time, there won’t be any questions from the girls.”

“Oh, there will be questions, I can guarantee you that. I’ve been gone long enough now that they’ll think, well, that I got lucky. Regaling each other with our stories of getting our brains fucked out by the men we won at auction is probably the biggest fucking part of the tradition. They’re all sluts about it, believe me—and there is no way in hell they’ll believe me if I tell them we just fucking Netflixed and chilled.”
