Page 42 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“Smartass.” He pressed down upon her lower back again pinning her in place, loving the control over her body in this way. He squeezed her ass harshly again then the other cheek, rubbing his thumb over her flesh, knowing it was the exact wrong signal to be sending her.

She sighed softly as he did it, but he couldn’t help himself—she was just too gorgeous.

Then he steeled himself for what had to be done next.

For one moment he took in the sight of her laid out before him. His cock was aching hard as he looked upon her bare ass, so pretty, and on display. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted to do much, much more than spank her bare bottom.

As if she could feel the weight of his gaze, she made a move to slide off the desk, but he held her down, harshly pressing her back to the flat plane of the desktop. She gasped in surprise, and, he suspected, something else entirely.

“I don’t know what it is you expected to accomplish today by storming down to my office like this. But I assure you, Kelsey girl, that this sort of misbehavior is never going to result in anything pleasant for you. I expect you to be a good girl. All the time. You’re very lucky you aren’t mine, because if you were, with the behavior you’re exhibiting today? I suspect you’d be in this position a lot with me.” He slapped her left ass cheek hard, then the right, then left again. “So, when you’re sitting down to dinner tonight, and your bottom aches, maybe you’ll consider yourself lucky.” He squeezed one of her now quite warm buttocks, lifting it and then letting it drop, loving the way it bounced for a moment before stilling, the lushness of her pretty bottom cheeks absolutely mouthwatering. “Then again maybe tonight, in bed, you’ll remember this moment. And you’ll be thinking something quite different than regret.”

Her breath caught in her throat at that, and in an instant, he knew he shouldn’t have said it. But it just came to him, the image of her lying in her bed, in deep shadows, her hand between her lush, smooth thighs, feverishly rubbing her clit, as she replayed in her mind having her ass spanked red, being controlled like a disobedient girl, bent over his desk to receive her much-needed discipline.

He suspected that was exactly what she’d be doing tonight, even though she’d never admit it.

“I-I can’t believe you just said that! Who do you think you—?”

“Who do I think I am?” He peppered her luscious ass with several more hard slaps, the sounds cracking crisply in the air, her flesh rippling and jiggling with each harsh impact. “I think I’m the man who’s teaching you, finally, how to be a good girl. It’s years too late, of course—but better late than never, right?”

He thought she made a sound that was a cross between a snarl and a gasp of shock, but he couldn’t hear it, because he gave her the final flurry of harsh, stinging slaps, ensuring the entirety of her round, beautiful bottom was a uniform hot pink color, here and there displaying darker mauve marks where his fingers had welted her flesh.

It was a good first spanking—not perfect, but serviceable. If he’d done his job right, it would be the very last she ever received from him. He liked to think though that whichever man she eventually settled down with—a very lucky man, indeed—would have the courage, the wisdom, the strength to see what this special girl needed. To give her the structure, the discipline, and the accountability that young, headstrong women like her thrived under.

Whether she thought she wanted it or not.

You know she won’t get that, Max. Guys her age are completely clueless. The only man who can give that to her… is you.

He hated both the truth of that statement and the promise of it. If he only made a single choice, he could make that come true for her. For both of them. But it was the exact wrong thing to do. He was trying to teach her how to make the right decisions, show her the path in life that would lead her to happiness.

Thinking with his cock—and taking her for himself—was the last thing Kelsey Burke needed. She needed him to be the voice of reason, the wise man, to show her what was best.

Even if what was best hurt him just a tiny bit.

Or a helluva lot.

He gave her one last slap across her thigh, and this time she did shriek, her thighs rubbing together, her ass waving side to side. She was panting now, and he could hear just the tiniest hint of a sniffle in her voice. “I’m… I’m sorry, Max. I’m really sorry.”

Though he wanted to comfort her, draw her into his arms, hug her tight and kiss her hair, and tell her all was forgiven, he knew that this last part might be the most important of all. “Get your pants up, girl.” He said it brusquely, almost cruelly. She needed to know that he still meant business. That this wasn’t about her pleasure—or his.

He stepped back, watching her draw her pants back up, settling them back in place. She sprang up from her humiliating perch, rubbing her ass over her slacks. Her pretty face was blushing bright, white teeth nibbling at her lip, eyes downcast. Her hair had partially come out of her ponytail while he’d been spanking her, and he waved her over. “Come here, girl. Your hair is a mess.”

Her gaze snapped to his then, her mouth falling open, eyes blinking rapidly. But then she did exactly as he ordered, moving close, her hands wringing together in front of her legs. She looked down at the floor as he quickly drew her hair neatly through the band she’d used to tie it off, securing it firmly once more. “There, much better. Pretty Kelsey, once more.”

The words surprised him, with their tenderness, their intimacy, their affection. But they were genuine, nonetheless.

You need to stop this.

She peered up at him, her pink lips curving in an uncertain smile. “T-thank you, Max. I just… thank you…”

All he wanted to do at that moment was kiss her on her forehead and give her a big hug. But that was the exact wrong thing to be doing at that moment, for she still needed to understand that this avenue of exploration, whatever it was that happened last night, couldn’t, shouldn’t ever happen again.

So, he clamped his hand around her upper arm, gripping it tightly. She grunted, seemingly frozen in place.

“Let’s go, girl.” Surprisingly, she allowed him to lead her out of the office, down the stairs, and back out to the front door. Yanking her outside, he left her standing on the sidewalk. He pointed at her, giving her his best gimlet gaze. “No more, Kelsey.”

“What… what are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?”
