Page 5 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“Do what?”

“That. You know, playing dumb with me.”

“I’m not playing at all with you, Kels.” He walked up to the front of the truck again, laying a hand on the hood, his back to her, trying to look busy. Or something.

“So… what do you think?”

“Think about what?”

“I want you to enter it. The auction, I mean.”

He looked over his shoulder at her. Then he slammed the hood closed. “Let me see if I understand this.” He wiped off his hands with the rag again, even though his fingers were already clean. “You want me—me—to be in your little… bachelor auction?”

“Yes. It’ll be so fun!”

“You’re serious?”

“Of course! Will you do it?” She flashed the million-watt, gorgeous smile they both knew he could hardly ever resist. “Please, Uncle Max! It would make me so happy!”

But he had no choice but to resist it. “Not just no, but hell to the no.”

“Why not?” She strode toward him, and he found himself backing away a step, keeping his distance. “It’s just a little auction thing. We’ll bid on the bachelors, money will get raised, and that’s it. Mostly.”

“Mostly? And who’s this we?”

“Well, we—like, the girls. All of us in the house will get to bid, if we want.”

“And that includes… you?”

She nodded, a splash of color high in her cheeks. “I was maybe going to…”

“Nope. No way.”

She blew out a breath, frowning. “Look, if you think it’s because you’re, I don’t know—old, or something?”

“Thanks, Kels.”

“No, I mean. Trust me, that is not an issue. A couple of the girls—well, I showed them your picture. They were like… okay, God, I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“Yeah, probably don’t tell me—”

“They were totally drooling over you.”

“I’m forty years old, Kels.”

She arched a brow. “That just makes the drooling worse. Dirty whores.”

“Dear Lord, help me.”

She giggled loudly. “And I was like back off, bitches, that’s my uncle Max!”

“Kelsey. I told you—stop that.”

“Sorry, sorry!” She held up her hands. “Anyway, that’s not important. What is important is that you be there, in the auction. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when you—”

“Absolutely not. That’s final, Kelsey.”

“What? I thought… it’ll be so much fun. Max?”
