Page 51 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“I need to change the scenery for Kelsey, get her thinking differently. A reboot or something. I was going to make her come visit me here in the UK, but when I think of her being exposed to the pub scene here in London, I break out in fucking hives. So, that’s definitely out.”

Max laughed again, the picture of Kelsey being descended upon by drunk British dudes one that was downright comical, even though at the same time, it pissed him off almost as much as the idea of college bros pawing her at some frat party.

“She actually came up with the idea, and at first I said no way. But then it got me thinking.”

“Oh, shit, Mitchell’s thinking again.”

“Asshole,” Mitchell said, though there was laughter in his words. “I’m serious though, dude. But it is a… serious favor to me.”

Here came the big ask. “Let’s hear it, Mitch.”

“I know that she’s been a pain in your ass, but I really think she’d be better off with someone she knows. Someone she’d listen to—sort of. Someone like… well, you.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, trying to decide if he was excited, pissed, or just simply shocked into silence. “Look, Mitch, I get that you want her to stay out of trouble. Believe me, I want that, too. But you know I’m leaving for Foster Canyon tomorrow. I mean, I’d like to help, but… that’s not going to work for her.”

“That’s actually perfect, Max. She won’t be anywhere near the campus, trouble will literally be two thousand miles away.”

“She’s not a good fit for that place, Mitch. I mean, you know what goes on there, how they live life. It’s not exactly the same as being on a big university campus. It’s like being in another galaxy, honestly.”

Foster Canyon Ranches was an intentional community, one that had sort of sprung up fairly informally, at first. But as word slowly and discreetly spread, those who espoused a belief in that particular lifestyle and worldview gravitated toward it. What had started as, essentially, a collection of like-minded neighbors, little more than a couple dozen strong, had grown over the years into several hundred.

“Look, man,” Mitchell said, his voice low, soft. “I don’t want to beg you—but I will if I have to. I know how they live out there, I’m not stupid. But I know you’ll shield her from what she needs to be shielded from. She’s a big girl, and she can handle adult things. I just want to get her back on the straight and narrow, and I know a little discipline from her ‘uncle Max’ is the best hope for her.”

“Mitch, man, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Though he knew there was no way his best friend meant it in that way, the words discipline and Kelsey had Max’s cock twitching.

There was a lot more he would have loved to have tried with her in their one and only night together… but it probably would have scared her to death. Taking her to Foster Canyon Ranches would make that problem much worse, the discipline of young, disobedient women not exactly something that was unknown in that particular community.

Quite the opposite.

And even though Mitchell knew that, Max was sure his best friend didn’t quite understand the full extent of how the people in that place lived their lives, of how they believed men and women should relate to one another.

“Look, I know this is this a lot to ask you, and I’m prepared to make this worth your while. I’ve already told her that if you agree to this, she’s going to make sure she pulls her weight. And I mean it. As far as I’m concerned you need to make her cook, make her clean. Make her do whatever else you need help with.”

Though no one could see what was happening, Max was blushing fiercely at the way his cock was already hardening at the idea of making her do that very thing.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, but she needs this. Kelsey needs a reset. I don’t trust her with anyone else. And she won’t be the only one pulling her weight, either. I want to pay you for this, too. And no, you’re not paying me back for this, either. I’ve already wired you fifteen hundred dollars. I’ll send you another for June, July, and August.”

“I haven’t even said I’ll do it, dude. I still wonder if this is a good idea. I’ve got a lot I have to get done. Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

“Max, I’m not going to make you do this. I can’t force you, and I’d be a fucking asshole to even try. It’s not as if you haven’t gone the extra fucking thousand miles before for me, for us. But I’m really worried about her, and I know that her staying with you is the perfect solution here. Will you do it?”

“Fuck… now, you may be paying me, asshole, but you still owe me for this.”

“So does that mean you’re going to do it?” He could just hear the grin in Mitchell’s voice.

“Yeah, I’ll fucking do it. But you’re going to have to figure out a way to fly her up to Washington. I’m on a plane tomorrow.” Max sighed, rubbing his hand across his mouth. Just when he thought things were falling back into place, that getting back to normal was actually possible, reality had a way of reasserting itself.

“I’ve already got her plane tickets scheduled, my friend. You guys are going to have so much fun!”

Max shook his head, wincing as he said it. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Chapter 16

“Are you sure this is the address?” She gazed up at the massive A-frame cabin that looked almost like a ski chalet. But it was in the middle of a semi-arid desert area rather than a snow-covered alpine idyll.

Her driver, a kind, balding, sixty-something man named Alden, scratched his head, checking his phone. “This is the one Mr. Williams sent us, ma’am—Foster Canyon Ranches.”

She grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk, then gave her driver what meager cash she had with her as a tip. Dust rose into the air as the car, a late model Acura, turned around on the dusty gravel driveway. Elite Town Car was emblazoned in block letters upon the driver’s side door.
