Page 55 of Kelsey's Keeper

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Pink suffused her cheeks, her gaze flicking down to the floorboards once again. Her voice was very soft. “I don’t … I don’t mean to be, sir.”

“I’m glad you brought that up, because that’s the first thing we’re going to talk about. But before we do that, you’re going to take those panties down.”

His cock was beginning to harden as he watched her struggle with it, and even though he’d already seen her naked, had already fucked her… this was somehow very difficult for her.

He found he liked that very much indeed.

Finally, seeming to delay as long as she dared, she drew the cotton down her long legs, letting them pool at her feet. She straightened, her hands clasped to the sides of her thighs.

“Kick them off, and hand them to me.” He held out a hand to her, palm up, wanting her to feel self-conscious, even a little bit ashamed. This was part of things, at least at the beginning, a way to sort of throw the girl into the metaphorical deep end. To see how she reacted.

To Kelsey’s credit, she plucked the cotton from around her ankles with alacrity, rising to her full height once more and dropping the underwear daintily into his palm. He gave her a little smile at that, pleased at her quick obedience. For once, she seemed to do as she was told without running that mouth. He knew that wouldn’t last though.

Balling up the still body-warmed panties—and suppressing the urge to sniff her scent impregnated within the fabric—he stuffed them into the front right pocket of his jeans, taking his time, making sure she saw him do it. She made a tiny sound in her throat as she watched, and he hoped it was one of embarrassment, of self-consciousness. Such things were good for girls like Kelsey, especially in the beginning.

“Now, I’m going to explain to you how this is going to work. Every morning when you wake up you will present yourself in this exact spot, naked. You will do so at the time specified by me. Most of the time, you’ll arise before I do, and come to your inspection spot. I want you to wait here until I wake up and come to get you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” Her mouth opened again, as if she might say something else, perhaps offer a tart retort or maybe a snide joke at his expense. Fortunately, she seemed to think better of it. She was a fast learner.

So why are you disappointed she didn’t defy you?

It was something he’d have to think on, the way she was disobedient with him, and how it truly did irritate him. And yet, in a way, he enjoyed it, too. It was one of his favorite aspects about the girl—her spiritedness, the way she seemed to always be happy and positive, lighting up any room she entered. He’d never tell her that, of course—her ego was large enough already, thank you very much. But it was something he always had appreciated about her.

It was that sunny disposition, that resilience, and that good, positive spirit that had gotten her through some dark times. In truth, it helped get all of them through some dark times.

“You’ve been using the word sir since you arrived. I like that, and you’re going to continue using that word for me at all times as long as you’re here with me. Do you understand?”

She lifted her gaze to his, her pretty blue eyes sparkling. “I understand, sir. I… it just feels right, I guess. I don’t even know why.”

He smiled at her then. “It feels right because it is right. You really are a good girl, when you try to be. And I’m going to make it my mission while you’re here with me this summer, to make sure you’re a very good girl indeed.”

She blushed furiously at that, as if picking right up on the implication of his words, an implication they both knew the true meaning of. He wasn’t sure when he first decided it, perhaps it had been as soon as she’d walked up or perhaps the instant she’d climbed out of the car. But he knew now that he intended to use her in every way he wanted to, at least while she was there with him during the summer. What came after?

We’ll cross that bridge when we came to it.

“What are you… what are you going to do to me?” Her nipples had grown extremely hard again, despite the warmth, and he took the time to simply stare at her for a moment—and make sure she saw him staring at her.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Kelsey. All you have to concern yourself with is pleasing me, and doing exactly as you’re told, when you’re told, in the way you’re told. Remember that, follow that, and you’ll please me.”

“But what if I don’t? Please you, I mean.” Her slender throat worked, and he barely suppressed the urge to reach out and stroke it with his hand.

Time enough for that soon.

“I’ll teach you how, Kelsey. And if after I teach you how to please me, you fail to do so, then it will be time to show you what happens when it comes time for your punishment.”

“P-punishment?” Her eyebrows lifted, her face going a little pale, the girl shifting her weight slightly. She was even more nervous now. It was how he wanted her, truth be told, for it meant she was paying attention.

“Most of the time, when it comes to being disciplined, you’ll be spanked. And other times other… measures may be taken to correct you. To correct your behavior.” This time, he really did reach out, laying his palm upon her flat belly, letting his fingers ease downward until the tips played over the smooth mound of her pussy. She had waxed it, or shaved it so closely it was as smooth as her shining legs. “I’ll admit to you though. Sometimes you’ll be punished simply because I think you need it—or because I enjoy it.”

Her pretty eyelashes fluttered frantically, and she made a tiny sound deep in her chest. “What do you mean? Do you… like spanking me?”

He nodded at her, watching her closely to gauge her reaction. Some girls would recoil in anger, even horror, at the idea of a man admitting such a thing to her. But in his experience most, perhaps the vast majority, reacted with anything but horror. It was an aspect of the female personality that fascinated him, that recognition within them of strength, of a man who enjoyed his power over her—power that could be used both to protect and to correct.

And in Kelsey’s deep blue eyes, as she locked her gaze with his, he saw that same flash of recognition, the flared nostrils, the swollen lips, the uncertainty, and yes, the excitement, coming off of her in waves, energy he could sense even if he could never pinpoint its source precisely.

He simply knew it when he felt it, and standing there in front of the naked, trembling Kelsey, he most definitely saw it there in those gorgeous eyes.

Taking a moment to let her exposure sink in further, he dropped his gaze down, taking in her sex, staring at it such that she would know exactly what he was looking at. “This pretty little pussy is shaved so clean, so smooth. I wonder why. Do you prefer it this way, nothing between your wanton wetness and those soft panties? Or did you do it for… different reasons?”
