Page 63 of Kelsey's Keeper

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Kelsey let out a soft whimper as George patted her open cunt with his palm. “She’s in good hands, I think.” George rose then, his hands coursing up her bare back, testing and teasing the muscles there and at the ends at her shoulders. He eased his palms down her sides, and she shivered visibly as he did it. “Little ticklish there, I see.” He felt her upper legs, then squeezing bits of flesh, slapped the inner thighs lightly, making her yelp, the sound strangely attenuated outside. “Really good musculature here. Filly’s got strong legs on her.”

“Yoga. She does it almost every day. I’m proud of her that she stuck with it, even though she knows I’m watching her.”

Her gaze flicked up to his, her teeth worrying her lower lip, a fresh burst of deep red color in her cheeks. God, how he loved to see her blush. He thought he’d never tire of it.

And he hoped he’d never lose the ability to make her blush.

George retrieved his coffee cup from the ground, taking one last sip. He clapped Max on the back, totally ignoring Kelsey once more. “She’s a fine specimen, Max. One of the best I’ve ever seen here. It seems you got her well in hand, assuming you’re able to train her up further on her obedience—and her ability to tolerate being touched.”

“I’ll be working on it with her, George. Trust me, she tries to be a good girl. She really does. She just needs to learn how best to please, and everything else will fall into place.”

George’s eyes flashed as he took one last glance at her, his gaze lingering on her gorgeous breasts. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Chapter 19

No sooner had the door closed behind them, the shadows of the living room engulfing them, than Max took Kelsey by the hair, twisting his fingers in her locks, and cranking her head back until she was looking straight up at the ceiling.

He breathed the words at her ear. “Did you get wet out there, being inspected, and pawed, and lusted over by George? Do you like being displayed for men?”

“I… I don’t know what you mean. You made me do that! Ow!”

He shook her head sharply. “I didn’t make you get wet, did I?”

“That’s not fair!” she said, the words fading to a tense sigh as he sank his teeth firmly, but not cruelly, into the bared join between her shoulder and neck. The lock of his jaws upon her seemed to still her, or frighten her—or both.

Licking the pink marks left from his teeth, he kissed it before whispering, “You aren’t here for fair, Kels. We both know that. Are you going to deny it?”

She shivered then, and he took hold of both of her hands, pinning them against her back, and kicking her legs wide. She stumbled at little, her feet so far apart. “I… I don’t…”

“Do you deny it, Kelsey? It’s a simple question.” He kissed the line of her exposed neck all the way up to the tender flesh under her ear, her soft whimper making his cock—already hard—throb almost painfully. He had to have her again, but he intended to make sure she understood precisely how he regarded her.

Which was his.

“I… no, I don’t want f-fairness. Fuck, what’s wrong with me? I… I don’t understand any of… what’s happening to me.”

“I know you don’t, sweet girl.” He smiled in triumph, kissing her hair even as he gave it a cruel twist. “Which is why you won’t find any here with me.”

She yelped in surprise as he ripped her scandalous bikini top down and off her body, sending her breasts bouncing wildly, the sound of rending fabric surprisingly loud in the quiet of the living room.

He let go of her hair for a moment, and tied the remnants of the bikini top around her wrists, immobilizing them behind her. Sinking his fingers into her locks once more, he reached around to harshly squeeze her helplessly vulnerable, bared breasts. “What’s happening doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you surrender.”

She drew a hissing breath, her body arching up as he pinched her nipples savagely.

“Give in to it. To what you really want.”

“Yes… yes, Max.”

“Sir,” he growled at her ear. “You know better, bad girl.”

With that he marched her around the couch, then bent her tightly over the back, until her cheek was pressed to the cushions, her hair spread out in a crazed fan all about her. Her hands twisted within the bonds of the torn bikini top, but he smacked her ass hard. “Don’t even try it, girl. If I wanted your hands free, I wouldn’t have bound them, now would I?”

“N-no… sir.” Her voice was reed thin, whether from anxiety for what was to come or arousal, he couldn’t be sure.

He fingered the ties at her bikini bottoms, then decided to dispense with them entirely, ripping them violently from her hips, Kelsey crying out as he pulled them fully free, laying them on the cushion in front of her face for her to look at as he took her.

Splaying her plump, pretty pussy open, he tested the wetness he found there, drawing a thick, glistening string of her juices out upon a fingertip. He reached down and wiped the wetness upon her lips, then tapped at her mouth. “Suck.”

She promptly obeyed, taking his finger deep, her cheeks hollowing.
