Page 68 of Kelsey's Keeper

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She ground upon him still more, frictioning her clit against the wiry pubic hair at the base of his cock, the hardness of his pubic bone nearly driving her insane as she rubbed against it over and over again.

His hands tightened about her, the hard muscles of his arms, so strong and irresistible, making her feel safe and helpless all at once. His mouth took hers again, savagely, his tongue questing deep, his teeth biting her lips, the tip of her tongue, then nibbling upon on her chin, the line of her jaw.

“Max… oh, God, Max! I’m close… fuck, I’m close! Please… please!” The pleasure gathering deep in her belly was overwhelming, as if the first orgasm he had given her when he’d taken her like an animal was but a prelude to what he really had in store for her.

“Come, Kelsey girl. Come for me!” He thrust brutally into her then, bouncing her upon his lap as if she were a rag doll, the raw strength of his body as he took her driving the breath from her lungs and spiraling her arousal even further. A final grinding of his pubic bone against her clit, and she could take no more, her orgasm exploding out of the depths of her soul. Her awareness seemed to slip away for a moment, as she drowned in pleasure suffusing every atom of her body. She cried out then, shocked at the power of her climax. She didn’t know it could be this good, she didn’t know real life could be like something she’d read in the darkest, most twisted smut fests she loved to read.

“Ah, fuck… oh, fuck, I’m coming, Kelsey!” Then the hot bloom of seed erupted within her, Max groaning, bucking against her, his muscles trembling with his release, as he poured himself inside her.

For long moments, they sat there entwined in each other’s arms, her head upon his shoulder, his lips kissing and tasting the joint of her neck, the sweat upon her throat. And then she turned her head, and she sighed anew at the beauty of the view, the panoramic landscape, the shadows growing long in the afternoon.

She didn’t know how long they sat that way, both of them looking out upon the stunning landscape, but as far as she was concerned that moment could last forever—for she never wanted it to end. Then she pulled back, cradling his face in her hands, locking her gaze with his even though she risked drowning in his beautiful eyes once more. “Thank you, Max. I don’t know what to say. I’ve never… I’ve never felt this way before, about anyone. Tell me you feel the same. Tell me you see what’s grown between us? What we have, what we could be?”

He grinned at her, but didn’t say anything at first, brushing locks of her hair away from her temple, his soft mouth whispering kisses upon her lips. Then he took a deep breath, as if gathering himself. “Kelsey girl, you’re going to be the death of me.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and tears sprang to her eyes at the tenderness she saw in his. “But if I’m gonna go, I couldn’t think of a better way.”

Though neither of them wanted to, eventually, they had to get up. The light was rapidly bleeding from the sky. They needed to get back before nightfall.

Quickly packing up the blankets and securing their bags, she tried to suppress the giddiness she felt, the lightness in her step. It was then that she realized, for the first time in three years, that she was truly, completely happy.

Then as that sweet, wonderful, cruel, sexy man she liked to call Uncle Max led her by the hand on the return journey, ever mindful of her safety and her care, she realized something else.

It was time to tell Mitchell. It was time to tell Dad.

Chapter 21

Sipping from the steaming mug, he looked upon the kneeling Kelsey. She was naked, her hands resting primly upon her bent thighs, her legs folded beneath her, the girl’s soft, round bottom spread alluringly upon her heels.

He’d decided that day that she would do her chores naked with the exception of her wrist cuffs. The same thick black leather cuffs that now locked her wrists together in her lap. Her pretty nipples were pinched firmly within the grasp of a set of clamps. Though he’d gone with the medium ones today, she still found them tolerably painful.

Which was exactly what he wanted.

Once she finished picking up from dinner, he had her make him some coffee, and then bring it into him in the living room to kneel before him as he sipped it while he lounged on the couch. Though she blushed, he could already smell her arousal, his exercise of his total power over her something that never failed to excite her, even if she would never admit the extent to which it did. He very much liked that bashfulness, that almost girlish shame that she drowned in when he made her display her naked body for him, made her drink the dregs of sweet suffering for him.

But as her gorgeous, soulful eyes stared up at him, much more was on his mind than just how mouthwatering her tits looked as she knelt there before him, obedient and yielding. No, it was time to have a real discussion, it was time for her to see the truth of what was happening—even if neither one of them really knew how they were going to handle it.

“Look, Kelsey, we need to talk a few things over here. I don’t think you’ve thought this whole situation through… entirely.”

“That’s all I’ve been doing, sir.” She gave him an adorable, tentative smile that made him want to cover her face in kisses.

But it wasn’t anywhere close to the time for that. “What do you think could happen? Have you really thought about the nuts and bolts, the day-to-day of what a relationship with a man twice your age would mean?”

She seemed to flinch with that, as if rather than straight, honest talk, he’d given her a slap across the face. He hated seeing it in her eyes, but at the same time he knew that it was something they had to confront, sooner or later.

“I don’t care about the difference in our ages, sir.” She shook her head, a line forming across her brow. “No, that’s not true either. I do care about it—because it makes all of this so much fucking hotter for me. Sir.”

He chuckled in surprise at that, taking a sip from his coffee to hide how much she’d caught him off guard with that statement. “So, it’s just what then? Just a fetish to you? Like, scratching the itch of the young college girl wanting to fuck the old man? Life—real life—isn’t all about just scratching itches and fulfilling fantasies. It’s every day, and ups and downs, and sometimes things don’t go particularly well. That’s what life with someone actually means. It’s those nooks and crannies of existence, those quiet moments, those terrible moments, and those wonderful moments, that all add up to building a life with someone. And the fact is I’ve got a lot more life under my belt than you do. Doesn’t that give you pause at all?”

Her mouth worked ever so slightly, and he wondered if it was irritation, or if he’d simply made her uncomfortable. “I’ve thought about all those things… and I’m prepared to deal with them. I want to see what life is like with you. I want you, and I’m not going to stop wanting you, no matter what you say. Don’t you feel it? What we have?”

Of course he did, but feeling something, and knowing whether or not that thing was right for you—or right for the other person—were two entirely different things. And he wasn’t so sure at that moment that she realized that distinction, or that she truly understood how important it was. “Well, let’s talk about that, Kelsey. Do you understand what it would mean to be mine? I’m not looking for egalitarian, or a fair split down the middle, or even anything particularly traditional. You’ve got to understand what I would make of you… if you were mine.”

A shudder seemed to roll through her then, her nipples if anything seeming to swell even larger within the cruel embrace of her clamps. Her voice was tiny, nervous. “Would you tell me then, sir? What you would… make of me?”

“I’m happy to.” He took a drink from his coffee, then a breath, watching her closely for her reaction to what he was about to say. “I don’t want a wife or a girlfriend as most people would imagine them. What I want resembles something close to a plaything, a possession. I know that makes me sound like a psycho, or an asshole, or a caveman. But I don’t care. I’ve lived all of my life according to the way other people wanted me to live it. And I’m not doing that anymore.” He leaned back slightly, drumming his fingers upon his thigh. “You’d be basically little more than an obedient, submissive subject. You’d be bred. I’d want children. You’d serve me in whatever way I wanted.”

Her eyes sparkled, and she sat very, very still as he continued.

“Eventually, I’d want to move us out to Foster Canyon Ranches full time. And with that you would need to be integrated into the community fully.”
