Page 3 of Smokeshow

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“Just when I thought this day was going to be shit, you walk right out of my dreams,” a voice said close to my ear.

Startled, I spun around. Piercing gray eyes met mine, and I stepped back because he was standing too close. His black hair was long enough to be tucked behind his ears, and he had a square jaw with lips that were entirely too lush to be fair—the combination was startling.

“Ignore him. He’s an asshole,” Saxon said, and I tore my eyes off the stranger to see Saxon walking up behind him.

“He’s just jealous. Always has been,” the guy replied, then winked at me.

Saxon chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that’s it.”

“Shiiit,” he drawled and smirked at me. “The package doesn’t get better than this.”

Saxon ignored him and looked at me. “Madeline, meet Trev. I’d apologize, but he comes around a lot. He’s one of those things you get used to.”

“I might come around more often now,” he said with those eyes of his still locked on me.

“I doubt that’s possible,” Saxon replied. “What’s up? You don’t normally show up this early. It’s not even noon yet, and you’re awake.”

He finally moved his gaze to meet Saxon’s, but he did it so slowly, as if taking his eyes off me was difficult. I knew guys like him. I’d been exposed to them enough to know how to handle them. The flirting was not something to take seriously. It was in his nature. He enjoyed female attention and knew he was charming. I doubted he’d ever been rejected.

“My dad woke me up at seven. Who the fuck gets up that early? Well, other than you,” he replied.

Saxon found this amusing. “What did he want?”

Trev frowned. “He wanted me to work.”

Saxon raised his eyebrows. “Where?”

Trev shrugged, as if this was a good question. “Got me. What do I know about working with horses? I ride them, I watch them race, I enjoy the alcohol at the track, but that’s the extent of my knowledge.”

Saxon looked back at me, grinning, as if he wanted to laugh. “Trev is a Hughes,” he said, as if that explained this conversation. When I had no response to that, he continued, “Hughes Farm is the biggest racehorse establishment in the South.”

“With the most wins, the best horses, an Olympic-sized pool, and a hot tub big enough for twenty-five people,” Trev added.

I didn’t need to look at him to see the cocky smile on his face. I could feel it. He was too much like my ex. Except my ex, Hank, hadn’t been wealthy. Not even close. He’d just been blessed with looks that got him what he wanted. I decided I would be careful around Trev for that reason alone.

“Khan’s gonna have some competition,” Saxon said as he looked out over the fences toward a horse that seemed much calmer than the one I had been watching. “Firefoot is going to give him his first dose of a real match.”

Trev didn’t seem to care. He shrugged. “Great. Hope he does,” he replied. “I’m not here to talk horses or racing. Not my thing. I thought you might want to come over later for a swim. I’ve invited over some people.” He was looking at me, so I met his gaze. “It would be a good chance for Madeline to meet everyone.”

“Maddy,” I corrected him.

Saxon’s gaze was on me then, and I gave him a small smile.

“I go by Maddy,” I explained.

“Mom knows this?” he asked.

I nodded, and he rolled his eyes.

“She’s got this thing about not shortening names,” he told me, then looked back at Trev. “What time?”

“Around four,” Trev replied.

“We’ll be tired and hot by then. You up for a pool party?” Saxon asked me.

I wanted to say no and go find a place to be alone and read. However, Saxon’s eyes looked hopeful, like he really wanted me to go. Hiding in my room wasn’t going to make this any easier.

I managed to nod. “Sure.”
