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“I know I mentioned that good girls get rewarded…” A wicked grin stole across my face. “With rewards come punishments.”

Phoebe's mouth opened and formed an O that made my dick twitch. I was dying to feel those sexy lips wrapped around my shaft.

I let that hang in the air for a few heavy moments, then changed the subject. I didn’t want to push her too hard, too fast.

“I don't want to be so far away from you if you need me.”

A trickle of relief in her expression told me I wouldn't have to fight her on this. Then she nervously glanced between the bed and me.

“Um, I think I might have a sleeping bag. I'll go check.”

Before she could take more than a couple of steps, I was across the room, grabbing her arm and swinging her around to wrap her up in my embrace.

“I'm not sleeping on the floor,” I grunted.

Phoebe glanced at the bed again, then back at me. “I don't think you'll fit.”

I laughed and gave her a hug before releasing her and patting her on the ass—thank fuck I felt a panty line—to get her moving toward the mattress. “We'll make it work, baby.”

Phoebe slowly climbed under the covers, tossing skittish looks as I checked the windows and shut out the lights before walking to the other side of the bed. She had rolled onto her side, facing me, and watched as I joined her. To my surprise—and delight—when I lay on my back and held out my arm, she immediately scooted over and snuggled into my side.

She rested her head on my chest, and I began to run my fingers through her long, silky locks. After a beat, she fully relaxed, practically melting into me.

“Just to be clear, baby,” I grunted.

Phoebe raised her head and met my gaze.

“I was serious about being close in order to protect you,” I continued. “But I am not going to hide the fact that it’s taking all of my energy not to fuck you right now. That doesn’t mean you have anything to be afraid of with me. I promise nothing will happen between us until you're ready.”

Her expression was soft as she smiled. “You can be awfully sweet, you know that?”

I scowled playfully and growled, “Navy SEALs aren't sweet, baby. We are motherfucking badasses.”

Phoebe giggled. “Your secret is safe with me.”



Since I’d never spent the night with anyone before, I’d expected to have difficulty drifting off last night, especially since my bed wasn’t exactly made for two people when one of us was as big as Silas. But with his arms wrapped around me, I had never slept better.

Waking up to find him stretched out beneath me was the best, though. He was gorgeous when he was awake, but he was even more so with his face relaxed and his plump lips slightly open as puffs of air escaped. Something about him commanded attention from everyone around him, but I felt the pull to him even more strongly seeing him vulnerable like this.

I couldn’t resist the temptation to brush my lips against his bristly jaw, and Silas went from sound asleep to wide awake in the blink of an eye. Alertness flared in his green eyes as he stared up at me, then a smile curved his lips. “Morning, baby. Did you sleep okay?”

“Uh-huh.” I sat up, and my cheeks heated at being caught ogling him while he wasn’t aware. “You?”

He curled up, his abs clenching into more of an eight-pack than a six. “Yup, I think I found my new favorite blanket.”

“You did?” My brows drew together as I glanced down at my lavender comforter. “It isn’t too girly for you?”

His hands gripped my hips, and he pulled me against his chest. “I was talking about you, baby. You spent most of the night sprawled on top of me.”

“Oh, sorry about that.” My cheeks heated more.

“No need to apologize. You can do it again whenever you want, and you won’t get any complaints from me. It was fucking fantastic,” he reassured me, swiping his thumb against my bottom lip. “And waking up to your gorgeous face is already a great start to my morning.”

“I was thinking the same.” His stomach let out a growl. “But I’m willing to bet that a big breakfast will make it even better since you barely ate anything last night.”
