Page 10 of Top Secret Cowboy

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“That’d be mighty nice o’ you,” Jace drawled in his syrupy Southern accent. “We’d love that, wouldn’t we, sweetness?”

Sweetness? Oh hell no. We are not doing pet names now!

Anthony waited for her answer. How did she even respond to this catastrophe? If she told her client that everything Jace said so far was a lie, he’d think Bronte was a liar too, since she could have denied the fiancé claim from the beginning. But since she’d been too stricken with stunned disbelief, her tongue—and her brain—were both paralyzed.

“That would be…really nice?” she squeaked out, a lilt of a question at the end.

“How does Max’s sound? It’s a short walk from here.” Anthony waved toward the end of the block.

Panic swept through her. She couldn’t be seen at Max’s. It was the Artemis lunch hangout. She and her team held meetings there. She couldn’t risk any of her employees spotting her with this big cowboy who wouldn’t let go of her for even a second—or possibly overhearing his tall tale about being engaged.

Her quick mind came up with an answer that wassureto send the country boy running. “I’m in the mood for sushi.” She looked between the guys. “What do you say?”

Anthony perked up. “I’m all in.”

She looked to Jace. He didn’t appear green at the mention of raw fish. In fact, he was giving her a smile that turnedherstomach—with a little flip.


Anthony turned and led the way to the opposite corner. She had no choice but to follow, especially with Jace’s broad palm protectively on her lower back, propelling her to the end of the block and across the street to the Japanese restaurant.

The sleek black front of the establishment would surely intimidate Jace. After all, he probably didn’t dine in many places where you didn’t order a number off a menu board. But he reached for the steel and glass door first and held it open for her to pass through, followed by Anthony.

Fine. The upscale wood and glass interior would definitely drive him out. But when a hostess showed them to a table, she realized that wasn’t happening.

Wait until he sees the menu and realizes he can’t order a big old burger.

With a private smile, she moved to slide into a chair, but he was already there, holding it for her.

Now he was a gentleman too? He must be putting on an act for Anthony, but what was the point? She needed to end this ruse.

The server appeared and took their drink order, then handed them menus with luxe black covers made out of linen.

As Jace opened his and glanced over the small font, she ducked her head, waiting for him to run for the door. But he simply closed his menu and set it aside with a smile.

“You already know what you want? That was fast,” Anthony commented, still looking over his menu.

“I know what I like.” Jace gazed into her eyes when he said this.

Her insides shimmied but her brain was sending out flashing alerts complete with screeching alarms. How was she ever getting away without appearing to be a raving lunatic in front of a client who spenta lotof money with her company?

She set aside her own menu just as the server returned. Anticipation rolled through her. She couldn’t wait for Jace to admit this place was way out of his league.

His eyes crinkled when he smiled down at her. “Ladies first.”

“Thank you,” she breezed out, and placed her order.

The server turned his attention to Jace. “And you?”

“I’ll have the tai sashimi.”

She almost choked on her tongue but managed to compose herself until Anthony ordered. After the server left, Anthony lifted his glass.

Oh no. Not a toast. She couldn’t pretend any—

Jace lifted his as well, which left her no choice but to follow suit.

“To great relationships,” Anthony toasted.
