Page 20 of Top Secret Cowboy

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As soon as he ended the call, Jace jumped on a website and placed an order for a security system that came complete with cameras for every room and one he could install on the front door to look into the hall outside her condo. There were already cameras on the front of the building he noted on the way in, which he could hack and keep an eye on people coming and going.

Not a peep came from Bronte’s room, and he took it as a good sign that she felt safe enough with him to sleep.

After leaving Montana at dawn, his energy was flagging, and that guest bed called to him. But he had a long night ahead.

Something brushed his ankle, and he looked down to find the cat hooked around his leg. He was purring.Well, at least her cat trusts me.

* * * * *

Bronte had always been a good sleeper. Her parents claimed she slept through the night and never made a peep from the age of six weeks old. She always woke refreshed and ready to attack her busy to-do list that day.

In this case, sleeping well might be a bad thing.

As soon as she pried her eyes open, all the memories flooded back. The WEST Protection guy, the whirlwind sushi dinner and how badly that had backfired…right up until the end when Jace told her he was staying in her guest room.

Unable to handle another disruption, she’d crawled into bed and was out cold the minute her head hit the sustainable bamboo and featherdown pillow.

She picked up her head and strained to hear any bumping or thumping coming from the other rooms of her condo. When beautiful silence met her ears, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At least he wasn’t prowling outside her bedroom door waiting to rush in and rescue her from some unseen threat. He didn’t snore either.

A glance at her clock showed her she wasn’t going to make it to the office on time. She’d dash off a text to Kimmy letting her know she’d be late…except she didn’t have a phone.

Another problem she needed a solution for ASAP.

Quickly, she hopped out of bed and slipped on her old threadbare robe. The vivid jade green patterned silk was getting frayed and ragged at the sleeves and hem. She knew she should throw it away but it was comfortable and cool during the hot San Francisco nights and she practically lived in the thing on Sundays when she allowed herself more downtime.

As soon as she stepped into the hallway, the scent of coffee overtook her senses. Following her nose to the kitchen, she let out a happy sigh. Thank god the WEST team sent a man who knew how to make a pot of coffee—and then made himself scarce.

Since she didn’t hear anything coming from the guest room, and Jace was nowhere to be seen, she could only guess that he’d made coffee before he left for home. He had a few brain cells in that hunky head of his—enough to realize she was under no threat and yesterday’s events had all been his fault.

She grabbed her favorite mug, one with a literary saying on it, and poured herself some coffee. Hemingway meowed at her feet, and she smiled down at him. “Did you have a good night’s rest, my beautiful boy?”

He meowed again and padded over to his food dish. While he nibbled, she drifted to the tall window and looked out while sipping her coffee.

Just as she raised the coffee to her lips again, the soft thump of the front door closing had her whipping around and the hair on her nape standing up. A clatter followed. Someone was in her condo.

Jace didn’t leave after all.

She was standing here in her ratty bathrobe, with only a bra and panties on underneath.

She set down her mug and yanked the ends of the belt tighter so nothing popped out or slid open. At that moment, Jace wandered by the kitchen doorway carrying a ladder.

Her eyes bulged.

A toolbelt filled with tools hung low on his hips and he wore a tight black shirt like guys wore at the gym.

His torso rippled with muscles.

Her mouth hung open as she watched him vanish from sight.

She rushed out of the kitchen and spotted Jace setting up the ladder in the corner of the living room. He paused, gripping the ladder, giving off sexy-guy-in-toolbelt vibes.

Oh damn, what else did she need repaired? Her brain raced through her condo to find something—a squeaky closet door, a dripping faucet,anythingthat he could fix.

He offered her a smile which stole the last firing cell from her brain. She gaped at him.

He pointed at a stack of boxes on the floor. “I ordered some cameras and they arrived overnight, so I got to work immediately. I just needed a ladder to install a few on the ceiling but I had to wait for the maintenance guy in the building to wake up so I could get a ladder and tools off him.”
