Page 29 of Top Secret Cowboy

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He could almost hear Ross’s voice in his ear now:She’s the client. Do not cross any lines.

He always warned the guys of that, and nobody listened. Hell, even Judd had fallen for his ward.

He mentally responded to his boss.I’m not crossing lines. I never could. She wears the most annoying shoes on earth. And we’re not really engaged—just FAKE engaged.

Ross would still argue the point.Well don’t REALLY fall for her. I know how this works.

Not gonna happen.

All this flashed through his head in a blink and he looked down to see Bronte still happily smiling at him because she’d gotten under his skin and knew it.

He pocketed her phone. “Kimmy? Join us in Bronte’s office so we can discuss the meeting you set up.”

* * * * *

How dare Jace commandeerherphone and tellherassistant what they were doing about that meeting?

Anger boiled in Bronte, so hot that she was surprised the pool water she was cutting her way through in long strokes wasn’t bubbling. She reached the wall, did a somersault and pushed off the wall to swim the next lap.

Doing laps helped her decompress. It also helped with stress. A perk of having a condo in this building was access to the pool.

She powered through the water and reached the other end in good time, even though she wasn’t here to best her personal record. She needed this time alone, away from her bodyguard…and she’d had to sneak out to get it.

He was going to be so pissed when he realized she gave him the slip. But the minute he set up his laptop to do some digging into her problems, she took the chance to leave. Even though those stupid cameras picked her up and he probably saw everything—even things he had no business seeing—she’d managed to get in five laps so far.

She reached the wall and turned in another somersault. She pushed off and headed back across the pool. With every stroke, she shoved all her frustration into making her muscles work harder.

This whole thing was so out of hand. She’d call the WEST Protection office if she had a phone. Oh wait—she did! It was being held hostage by a highhanded cowboy who also wouldn’t give her any time alone to make such a phone call.

Well, next time they went to Artemis, she’d be calling his boss, even if she had to do it right in front of him.

What would she say?Your bodyguard is working too hard to keep me safe? He’s not only going the extra mile, but an extra ten?

From a boss’s standpoint, that only sounded like accolades.

From her point of view, the man had plopped himself right into her life and taken over every aspect, from what she ate and where she was going to how many locks were on her door.

She didn’t even want to think about what he was doing on his laptop.

Or the fact that her own cat seemed to have fallen for him like everyone else.

As she reached the end of the pool again, she popped up for air and almost choked.

Jace was crouched on the edge, a scowl darkening his handsome face. “Time to talk,” he ground out.

Panic swept her, and she executed a quick turnaround and propelled herself away from him as fast as she could go. Then she realized the faster she reached the other end, the faster she’d need to swim back.

She switched to a butterfly stroke so she could keep the end of the pool in sight. It would be just like him to walk down there and meet her. But she reached the end and he wasn’t there.

With all the reluctance of a kid faced with a plate of brussels sprouts, she started back. In the middle, she stopped swimming and just floated. For a minute, she considered doing the dead man’s float until he left.

Or she could crank up the speed, push off that wall and escape him again.

She selected option number two and hauled ass to the end. She started into a flip, but two big hands plunged into the water, grabbed her by the upper arms and yanked her out.

Any fury that faded with exercise tripled inside her. She sputtered with outrage as he dropped her onto the side and held her there. She glared at him. He glared back.

“You shouldn’t have left the condo.”
