Page 31 of Top Secret Cowboy

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She folded her hands in her lap so a couple of her chunky rings clacked. For a small woman, she sure made plenty of noise.

“I don’t know what your other wards are like, Jace, but I can remember something after you tell me once. I don’t need any more coaching on this meeting.”

“This won’t be a normal meeting with a client like Anthony, Bronte. I told you what The Broker’s capable of. The fact that he refuses to even use a real name with you should be a huge warning.”

She fell silent. “You’re right.”

“I’m—” He almost choked on air. Then he nodded. “I am right.”

“You don’t need to sound so smug.”

He threw her a grin, and this time she really did roll her eyes.

“Okay, so we get to the café,” she repeated the plan. “Outdoors, so you have more room to move in if something goes sideways.”

“Sideways? Youwerepaying attention.”

“I might have a full schedule, but that doesn’t mean I don’t take time to listen,” she said in a singsong way.

“You know, my momma would love you.”

She tipped her head, eyeing him. “Really?”

“Yeah. She isn’t one to sit around taking orders either.”

She started to argue.

“But!” he interjected. “You’re listening to me now. And so would my momma if she were the one in danger.”

Bronte went silent again, and he’d been watching her long enough to know that her brain, which never slowed down, had something to mull over.

After a moment, she spoke. “You believe this guy will present a deal to me. Then I tell him I’ll consider the offer.”

“That’s right.”

“What if that doesn’t happen?” Worry crept into her soft voice.

Jace’s chest tightened at the sound. He much preferred her strong girl-boss talk to the unsure Bronte.

“If he tries something, I stop him. I’ll be sitting at the next table with eyes on you the entire time.”

She nodded. “I suddenly have to pee.”

He blinked. “Now? Do I need to stop somewhere?”

She waved in dismissal. “No, it’s just a nervous problem I have. Actually, a lot of women do. Let’s just get to the café and get this over with.”

They rode for the rest of the short trip in silence. He parked on the street rather than the nearby lot in case they needed a quick getaway.

As Bronte climbed out of the car, she said, “You’re going to get another ticket.”

“Company will cover it.”

“Must be nice to fall back on them. To have a safety net in case you get in trouble.”

He caught her arm and swung her back to him. “You have that too. Me.”

Her lips popped open. For a crazy moment, all he could think about was how her plump red lips would feel under his. How she’d make less noise if he kissed her.
