Page 57 of Top Secret Cowboy

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She tossed some clothes into a bag to take to Napa Valley. Only a few short hours ago, attending Trade Con seemed like a priority. Now she wasn’t so sure.

While she had confidence that Jace and the guys would keep her safe, at times the best-laid plans went off the rails like a rogue trolley careening down the streets of San Francisco.

She added her small pouch of toiletries to the weekend bag and glanced at the closed door. Jace was still speaking to his teammate. She tried to gauge his mood by the sound of his voice.

Oh, what did it matter what his mood was when she was going to ruin it anyway?

Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she braced herself. As soon as she opened the door, the voices stopped.

When she walked into the living room in her favorite pair of platform heels and saw Jace and Jaren seated together, in the same pose with elbows on their knees and heads cocked in the same manner, she blurted, “You’re brothers, aren’t you?”

Jace got to his feet, a smile toying with the corners of his mouth. “I didn’t make that clear before?”

She shook her head. “You only introduced him as Jaren. But I see the resemblance, especially with you both wearing hats.”

Jaren pushed off her sofa, which he looked very out of place on, and crossed the room to the front door. “I think we covered everything,brother,” he said pointedly.

Bronte couldn’t help but smile.

The man left, and she and Jace were alone. Since her blurted confession about falling for him the night before, they hadn’t spoken much. She eyed him. Would he act strange with her now?

He didn’t seem bothered by the brief admission. In fact, he looked rugged and hot and ready to conquer the day.

Or in this case, take down The Broker.

“You’re packed. Let me take your bag.” He moved forward.

“I can carry it. It’s not heavy. Besides, I’m used to doing everything myself.”

He nodded and picked up the small nylon duffel he must have ordered to carry his new clothes. “Then we’re off.”

“I just have to say goodbye to Hemingway.”

At his name, her cat padded out from behind the sofa. She moved forward to scoop him up and nuzzle his flat nose with hers and stroke his ears. “I’ll miss you, but I’ll be home in a couple of days. Your food and water dispensers are stocked and your litter boxes are clean. I also left you a hair tie to find in my bedroom if you get bored with your toys.”

Jace grunted.

She kissed him on the head and then held the cat out to Jace.

He cocked a brow. “You don’t expect me to kiss that thing, do you?”

“Why not? You seem to be fond of pussy.”

Her bold words had the effect she hoped for. Jace’s jaw dropped.

She lowered Hemingway to the floor and breezed past Jace to the door.

A scoffed laugh escaped him.

All the way down the elevator and outside, her nerves kicked in again. She really needed to talk to him about a change of plan. He wasn’t going to like it, but there was no getting around the fact that she needed some papers from the office.

In the electric car with him, she spoke up before he started the engine. “Uh…Jace? I need to make a pitstop at the office before we get on the road to Napa.”

He twisted in his seat to face her, too large for the compact car. “What for?”

“I forgot about some papers I need for the show.”

“No.” He twisted to the windshield again.
