Page 77 of Top Secret Cowboy

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The Broker made a quick move, smashing the back of his hand against the side of her face. A cry tore from her, and her head rocked. She tasted iron in her mouth and knew her teeth had cut the inside of her cheek.

Fury and fear sliced through her. She gripped the edge of the table, gauging how far she’d get if she could flip it over and make a break for it.

Not far with her ankles tied.

“Sign! In!” he commanded in a voice that shook her insides.

She lifted her trembling hands to the keys. He already had her login page up, and she’d guess that Angelica had tried everything to enter the system that Bronte—then Jace—had locked her out of.

Her mind blanked.

“You don’t want to push me, bitch,” The Broker bit out.

“I-I can’t remember my password. You’re frightening me.” Her mind cast around a seemingly empty brain for the series of letters and numbers that she’d chosen as a new passcode to enter the system.

She started to type and then pressed the backspace to delete it all.

The Broker let out a menacing growl.

“I’m trying my best! Back off!” she screamed at him.

All of a sudden, she plucked the code out of nowhere. She typed it out and the system unlocked to her.

Only she was hit with a firewall.What in the world?Her hands shook more. If she couldn’t access the system, who knew what these psychos would do to her.

She had no idea the firewall even existed.

The answer slammed into her. Jace had secured the system.Hemust have built the new firewall.

She fumbled for a way to get through it—or a way out.

The Broker opened his mouth to yell at her again, but just then the rumble of a vehicle vibrated the windows.

Bronte steeled her spine and pulled her fingers away from the keys. Lifting her jaw, she met The Broker’s frigid stare. Jace had come to her rescue.


“Get into position. I’m taking out the door in three, two…” Jace raised his leg and kicked the lock with all the strength he had in him. It crashed inward, and he rushed the opening, weapon raised with his team on his six.

He could barely see straight for the terror pounding through his veins. He couldn’t fuck this up—he had one shot at getting Bronte back.

Shouts sounded from within. Glass shattered.

“They’re escaping!” Ross bellowed. “Noah, Jaren, go!”

A red haze filtered through Jace’s brain. All he could think about was finding Bronte and taking down anyone in his path. He reached another entrance and whipped right and left, searching for attackers.

A strangled scream from the rear of the building made his blood curdle. With a roar, he threw himself forward at a dead run. Using his body as a battering ram, he broke down yet another door and stumbled a few steps into a small room. The wind blew through the windows that had been broken out, but not everyone escaped.

His stare locked on Bronte. Pinned against a man with pale blue eyes holding a knife to her throat. Another woman lay bleeding on the floor, and this time they didn’t need an analyst to know that it was her blood. Red bloomed on Angelica’s white shirt, and she pressed a hand to it, even paler than before.

Jace came to a dead stop.

“Drop your weapons!” the man shouted at him and Ross.

Unable to get off a shot without the risk of striking the woman he loved, Jace let his hand drop. He didn’t release the gun, though.

“Let her go.” Jace’s gaze fused with Bronte’s. She wasn’t crying—she was furious. Cheeks as red as the strip of her hair, she stared back at Jace, urging him to finish this at any cost.
