Page 78 of Top Secret Cowboy

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Only he couldn’t do that. Even if he had to lay down his life for her, her safety came first.

He filled his lungs. “Drop the knife.”

“No fucking way.” His voice was hollow and soulless, indicating he was more than a little unhinged and quickly spiraling downward. Jace had to get control of the situation.

All the trainings about hostage situations rolled through his mind, but damn if he could see how to talk the guy down.

Get him talking.He could almost hear Madeline’s voice instructing him and his brothers on their first week with WEST Protection.

He tore his eyes from Bronte and fixed them on the man behind her. “You call yourself The Broker. But you’re not the first one, are you?”

A sneer tilted his lips. “You thought you already had him.”

“How many more are there?” Jace edged one foot forward.

“Wouldn’t you like to know. Don’t come closer!”

He stilled and flicked his eyes to Bronte again.Check your hostage. Keep the connection.

Only she wasn’t any old hostage. This was his woman.

The one he wanted to take back to Stone Pass and tuck away from danger. And take home to his momma.

A whimper came from the floor.

Bronte’s eyes shifted to her former partner crumpled on her side, trying to staunch her own bleeding. “Let me help her!”

“You’re not going anywhere, bitch. You kept getting in my way and now you’re going to stay here.”

“You’re using an innocent woman to keep yourself safe. What kind of man are you?” Jace tried another tactic.

“One who intends to stay out of prison,” The Broker gritted out.

Jace had a better place to put the guy—like a coffin.

Bronte issued a squeak, and Jace realized why—he was distressing The Broker and causing him to press the knife more firmly against her throat.

Desperation rose like a wave inside him. “Let her go and we’ll let you go.”

He wagged his head back and forth. “So you can hunt me down later? Not a chance.”

“You must have some money stashed away somewhere. Take it and leave the country.” Jace hoped that his tone was encouraging and didn’t reflect the hate pulsing through him.

“Let me go help Angelica. She’s not going to make it if I don’t stop the bleeding.” Bronte’s plea cut through the tension and turned The Broker’s attention long enough for Jace to lunge forward.

He thought he’d use his shooting skills, but not this time. With a hard swipe, he knocked the blade away from Bronte’s throat and threw himself on top of the man. They flew backward and hit the floor, locked in the grip of battle.

Bronte’s scream sliced through him.

“Get her out of here!” he bellowed to Ross.

“No, you have to help him!” Bronte cried in response.

Jace had fifty pounds of muscle on the guy he was wrestling. He probably didn’t grow up with four brothers either. The Broker didn’t have a chance in hell of beating him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ross lift Angelica like a rag doll and toss her over his shoulder. Then he grabbed Bronte by the arm and dragged her out of the room, making slow progress thanks to her bound ankles.

Oh, hell yeah.Now Jace could pull out every dirty trick he had and Bronte wouldn’t see just how terrible he could be.
