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I look back at the TV, watching Harrison again.

“Before I wrap up, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the county, the media, the emergency services, and the strong, smart men and women of our police force for their assistance and dedication in helping find Beth last night. I know many of you shared my concern overnight, and I can tell you she is resting comfortably and being well looked after here at the hospital. I am hopeful that I can bring her home in the next few days,” Harrison says to another few cheers and whoops from the media.

“Together, Beth and I hope to make this state proud, we promise to do our very best always, and look forward to leading Maryland together into prosperity. Thank you.” He nods his head in thanks to the sound of cameras and bright flashes. I smile wide, as does he, and it is then that I know everything will be alright. Maryland, my father, and us. Together, we can do anything.


Ilook out the window, noticing the clear blue sky, birds chirping, and flowers in full bloom. We are at my brother Ben’s estate. The only one out of all of us to have a secluded mansion on the outskirts of the city, with lawns that stretch for days. Something I think I may invest in soon too.

“I can’t believe you have this place,” Tennyson says from the side of the room where he is sitting with a whiskey.

“You could too,” Ben quips, and he is right. We all could have something like this. But Ben invested in this early. He is the thinker of us boys and while he still spends most of his time in the city penthouse with us all, this estate is here when he comes to think.

“I’m looking at investing in that new building down on the east side. Trollo,” Eddie quips, his mind now always on our real estate business. For a kid who pushed against our wealth for most of his life, he is certainly making a lot of it for us now as our real estate empire has really skyrocketed.

“Nervous?” Ben asks from the sofa, his eyes looking up at me, assessing my response carefully.

“I thought the election night was the biggest event of my life, but today… Fuck, give me that, Ten.” I march across to Tennyson and grab the crystal glass from his grip, downing what’s left of his whiskey.

“What do you think Mom is doing?” Eddie asks, and the mood in the room lowers.

“Probably yelling at someone about something,” Tennyson mumbles as he snatches back his now empty glass and refills it at the bar.

“I’m just glad the doctor forgave us for nearly killing him with that fucking seafood sauce,” Ben says, sighing. That was a tough negotiation that took multiple conversations over many months. But Doctor Warner is a good friend, and although I know never to invite him to a dinner event again, he understands that Mother had anepisodeand is not in a good place right now. Unfortunately, she hasn’t learned, is still vindictive, and I wonder how any of us boys will ever be close to her again.

“So you decided not to invite Lilly today?” Eddie asks, looking at me in question as he stands and fixes his tie.

“No. Beth and I wanted today to be small. Family only. We didn’t want the usual society circus,” I tell him as Ben stands and comes over, pinning the flower to my lapel.

“Breathe, you look like you are about to throw up,” Tennyson remarks as he slides his glass across the bar and walks over to where we are all standing together.

My brothers. We have always been close, but now Eddie is back and Dad is gone, our connection is stronger than ever.

There is a knock at the door, and Oscar pokes his head through. “Time to go,” he says, as he looks over us four, giving his nod of approval. He is in charge of me today, Beth not trusting anyone else to get me to the alter on time.

“Ready?” Ben asks, and I look over them all.

“Let’s go get married.” I say the words that I never in a million years thought I would say. My palms sweat as the four of us walk out. I lead us down the hallways to the garden outside. My mother sits stoically at the front on one side, next to Oscar. Beth’s dad, Marci, and Jeff all sit proudly on the other side.

I stand at the front next to the celebrant who gives me a big warms smile.

“You ready?” Larry asks, smiling. Beth and I were both surprised to learn that Larry is an authorized wedding celebrant, something he obtained during his years in the military. We couldn’t think of anyone better to help us commit the rest of our lives together than one of our own.

“Absolutely,” I say, my smile in full effect. And I am. I have spent my entire adult life repelling against the idea of marriage. I know too many people who end their marriages and I never thought it was something worth investing in.

But then I met Beth. She turned my world upside down and helped me land on my feet again. She is stable. She gets me. She is beautiful and all mine.

I look over at my three brothers who all stand next to me. Us Rothschilds are a commanding bunch, and my eyes flick to my mother, who offers me a rare soft smile. She nods at me, and we have a silent acknowledgment that she knows I am doing the right thing, although she would never admit it out loud. I nod to her in return, before I hear the first few notes of music, and my eyes lift, seeing Beth standing a few meters away, looking breathtaking.

It is then my heart rate becomes steady, my sweaty palms recede, and my balance is restored.

I watch her walk to me. My eyes laser focused on the woman who looks radiant in her soft pink gown, her red hair flaming down her back, her curves on full display. My eyes do not waver as she stands before me, and I reach out my hand, helping her up the step to the alter.

“You didn’t trip?” I whisper. Her biggest fear of today was falling on her walk to me.

“The day is still young,” she quips with a smile, one that is contagious.

“Are you ready to be Mrs. Rothschild?” I ask, and even though I know she is, my heart still stutters waiting for her answer.

“I think the question is, are you ready for me?” she sasses, her blue eyes sparkling at me just like they did years ago.

“Always,” I say, smiling brightly as our eyes stay locked on one another, and I give Larry and nod for him to start. I barely hear his words, my thoughts totally consumed by the woman in front of me.


She is my heart, my soul, my everything.

Including my lucky charm.
