Page 18 of Frazier

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“I did. I decided you were right about the council and didn’t bother with that. Sunny said she’d love to be there for me; however, she suggested I ask Jamie, too, as she wasn’t as hot-headed as she was. I think she made an excellent point, and the three of us had lunch to discuss the things that I’d need.” Amelia laughed. “I had to go to another coven to break up a horrific fight. They were being pissy with their leader over some of the food that was brought to the meeting. That is the reason that I never supply food. Everyone is never happy about what is being served.”

“I know that. When we’re all together, we usually have Chinese food. It’s all of our favorites. And the fact that we can get several dishes of each kind we all like helps a great deal as well.” She told him that she had noticed that there were never any leftovers. “Leftovers? What are those?”

She loved being able to unwind with Frazier. He could get her not thinking about her day in no time at all. She felt like her day wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d thought and could go to bed with the assurances that she was going to sleep well. And she would too. With him beside her.

“I’ve been working on some things around the barn and have run across a few pieces of furniture I’d like to somehow get here. One of the things is the mantel that was in the original part of the house. It’s huge, but I think with the size of our fireplace, it will look good.” They put the things away and headed up the stairs while Frazier continued about his afternoon. “Gibb was with me, and he’s going to take a couple of the beds that have been stored there. He asked the kids if they wanted them, and the girls took them both. He will have to get a mattress made for the beds as they’re an odd size. But Thad took one of the bigger beds that we found. I think it might be bigger than a king-sized bed. In order for him to be able to use it, he’s going to have to switch rooms around. The kid wanted to do it right then, but he was holding back. I’m guessing that he didn’t want to be a burden or something. So we called the others in and got him all situated.”

“You’re a great uncle to them. And you’re going to be a wonderful father.” He said that he hoped so. “You will be. I know it.”

Getting into bed, she realized just how exhausted she was. Even if the house had been on fire, she was sure she couldn’t have made it out. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. Her mother picked that time to contact her.

“Why do you have to be around when I’m exhausted?”Her mom laughed.“All right. Tell me what you need to and leave me alone. I’m too tired to be nice to you right now.”

“You are rarely nice to anyone. Well, that’s not true. You are nicer since you and Frazier are a couple. I have some news for you. Good news.”She asked her if it could have waited until the morning to tell her.“You’re receptive to hearing from me when you’re asleep. Now listen to me. There is a man that is making inquiries about a coven of witches. You need to make sure that he is aware that you’re not going to be putting up with his shit.”

“What does he want? And mom, so you know, that’s not what I’d call good news. Sort of shitty news if you ask me.”Mom told her that he wanted to burn them out of existence.“Are you kidding me? Who the hell does that shit anymore. I’m thinking that he has a little following, and it’s gone to his head.”

“He has a large following. Several thousand people are playing into his nonsense. His theory is that witches are the cause of all the strife in the world and that they made shifters to take over the world of decent folks. I wonder if he realizes that he isn’t one of the decent folks? More than likely, he thinks his bloodline is pure. Idiot. He has several shifters in his bloodline, and while I haven’t made much in the way of contact with his mind, I think that he might have this shit going on because he’s a shifter himself. But I don’t know. My magic is diminished somewhat since I came to rest.”She asked her mom if she knew how she was to deal with him.“I’m not sure other than to call him out. As I said, my magic isn’t what it used to be.”

“All right. I’ll see what I can find out in the morning. What is his name?”She told her.“Brian Wilcox? Why does that sound familiar?”

“I don’t know. You have a look for him and—”

“He’s the guy that lived in the house next to that coven leader. What was her name? It’ll come to me. She wanted his house. I can see this happening. The guy is getting back—damn it, I ruled in their favor too. What the fuck, mom? What is his beef with witches?”She said that she didn’t know.“I’m going to have to pay him a little visit, I guess. I’ll take Sunny and Jamie with me so I don’t just turn him into something that will haunt him for years. How the hell did he get so many followers in such a short amount of time anyway?”

“I would assume that he was getting pissy with the witches if what you say about his neighbor has any bearing on things. He’s probably been on social media things and has bitched about them for all the time it was getting resolved. That sounds like as good a reason as any.”She agreed with her.“All right. Now that I’ve worked you into a lather, I’ll let you go. I won’t be able to help you with this, but I want you to know that with the last bonding that you and Frazier had, it really zapped the world around witches. Also, I’m so happy that you’re going to have a child. I could just do a happy dance. I’m so happy.”

After her mom closed the connection, she felt like she needed to get up and start on her day. At least look up some things about Wilcox that she could use against him. But Frazier turned to her and pulled her into his arms, and she felt at peace. Not just to go to sleep but at peace all over her body. Curling around him, she let herself surrender to sleep and felt like she could conquer the world then.

Waking up in the morning, she was alone in the big bed. Looking at the alarm clock, she saw a note there with her name on it. Picking it up, she realized that it was from Frazier, and it occurred to her that she’d never seen his handwriting before. Opening the note up, she smiled when she read the first line.

“My darling wife. Good morning. I’m going to the meeting you had this morning with the coven in West Virginia. Sunny and Dexter are going with me as they have some places that they want to look into. I’m not sure what that entails, but they’re happy to be with me.” She sat up more in the bed as she continued reading. “I’ve placed an order that is to be delivered sometime this afternoon. Gibb is going to come over when you get it so that he can pick it up. I’ve taken your advice, and I’ve got with the other two kids, and they’re going to work in the building with Maria. They will be one hell of a talented family if they are even half as good as their sister. Maddy is doing well. They expect to take her out of the coma sometime tomorrow. We’re all going to be there for her when she wakes. I’m sure that you know it’s going to go well. I have to get going. You look so wonderful lying there, all peaceful in sleep. I love you with all my heart.” Then he signed it, Frazier.

Getting up, she had her shower and was ready to get her day going when the front doorbell rang. It was the delivery guy, and she wasn’t the least bit surprised when there were several boxes of products being delivered. What did surprise her was the fact that the kids, when they came over, knew more about the things that had come than she did. Thad was more than a little excited about the polymer clay that had been in the boxes than anything else.

After helping with the breakdown of the boxes, she found herself alone in the big house. Deciding that it was the perfect time to get out and find some of the herbs that she’d been wanting to dry, Amelia set off for the mountain.

In her element of doing things that she loved, she was surprised when she realized that she’d skipped lunch in favor of her walk. But her basket was full, and she couldn’t have been more happy. As she made her way back down the hill, she was startled out of her thoughts when a gunshot sounded in the woods around her. She was just able to duck around a tree when three men came out of the darkening forest near her.

“I know that I saw that woman. They’re all up here doing their voodoo shit.” One of the men with him said that was another cult altogether. “Whatever. Just help me look for her body. I know that I was able to hit her.”

“I don’t think this is such a good idea.” The man holding the rifle told the other man to shut his trap. “No, I don’t think so. I’m going to go home. I thought you were only going to talk to her. I’m not going down for the murder of something that I knew nothing about.”

“You leave, and you’re out of the club.” The man turned and said that he didn’t want to be in it anyway. “You bastard, get back here. I’m going to need some help burying the body.”

“I don’t think so.” She hit the man with her fist and was happy to watch him turning head over ass as he rolled down the hill. Reaching out to the others, she told them what was going on. Just as one of the brothers came running up the hill as his bear, she laughed when the man, more than likely Wilcox, started screaming like a little girl. “You’re going to jail, dumbass. I hope you rot in there.”

She didn’t know how the police got there so quickly, but she was happy to see the end of the man. The second and third man went to the station to tell their side of the story while she was able to stay home and have the interview there. Amelia wondered if life on the mountain was going to be like this all the time. An adventure daily.
