Page 13 of Hadley

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“You have been a good person to me, my lady. And a better queen than anyone around. Yes, I should enjoy visiting you from time to time.” He started away, then turned back to her. “The magic that you bestowed on Lady Colby and her mate, it is something that I’ve never known you to use before. Do you believe that they’ll appreciate it?”

“I don’t know. But knowing that they would be my successor someday will make it so that I can rest easier.” She laughed when Melville frowned. “Perhaps when they figure it out, they’ll come here and give me a good talking to. I don’t care. To have them fussing at me is something that I believe I will enjoy immensely. You go on now, Melville and enjoy the family as much as I have.”

Long after he was gone, she sat in her garden and thought about her life. She was a good queen, she thought, not like some of the others that were around. It had always been her thought that some of the other kings and queens should be doing more. Delegating things so that they could cover more of the earth. The sea gods, she thought, could do a much better job of making sure that their area was in better shape than it was currently.

Going back to her work, Dawn thought of the first time she’d met the dragon creator. Imperious had been such a hard person to love, but she did love the woman, and lucky for her, she had been able to have a friendship like none other. She loved all the dragons and especially the Manning Dragons.

Chapter 5

Hadley thought about how he was going to woo his wife. They’d been married for two weeks now, and there had never been time for them to be alone. If it wasn’t court appearances, it was dealing with something else. He was going to make slow and wonderful love to Colby and take all fucking night. If that was something that he could do.

Having their room designed to suit the honeymoon mood had been nothing for the faeries to do for them. There was champagne chilled for the two of them. Beautiful glasses that he was sure were as old, if not older, than Colby was. There were small bunches of grapes as well as cheese and other assortments that they could munch on. Hadley was as excited as he’d ever been before.

Opening the door to their bedroom as Colby had asked if she could go get ready first, he nearly fell over his tongue when he saw her naked, laying on the bed. Still standing there looking at her, it took her giggling to remind him to breathe.

“You’re naked.” She told him that she was thrilled that he’d noticed. “It would be difficult not to—Christ, you’re beautiful. Clothed or not, you’re magnificent. But this? This is more than I think I can take all at one time. I was going to make slow love to you, but I think that’s out of the question now. I don’t think I could slow down if my life depended on it.”

She giggled again, and he smiled. It was what he needed, for her to make him think of something else other than his painfully full cock and where he wanted to put it right now. Moving to the bed, he stripped off his clothing. He could have been naked with just a thought, but he wanted to draw out his need more than he wanted to pounce on her.

“You’ve been so good to me about doing all the things that needed to be done instead of sharing a bed with me that I thought I’d have some fun with you.” He sat on the side of the bed, embarrassed now that his cock was so stiff that it stood up from his loins.

Pulling her to the edge of the bed so that her legs hung off the edge, he lifted her bottom up so that he had a perfect view of her pussy. She was wet. Her juices dripped from her sheath. Wanting to taste every bit of her, he buried his mouth over her clit after holding her open for him and slid his tongue deep inside of her.

Colby flooded his mouth with her cream when she came. Hadley took in as much as he could, but still, some of it dripped from his chin to his chest. Several droplets landed on his cock, and he was ever so tempted to slide his hand over himself, using her juices to make himself come too.

Nipping the inside of her thighs, he enjoyed himself. Tasting her flesh when he could, gave him a taste of her that no other had experienced before. Her cream was hot, her flesh warm. Each time to entered her with his tongue or fingers, he was rewarded with more flavors than he’d ever thought possible from a woman before.

Her body went limp, and he looked up at her face from his viewpoint. She was lying there, her body pink from coming so many times. Her nipples were hard points that seemed to be begging for him to suckle. When she looked down at him, her eyes glazed over, and she smiled at him.

“I love you.” He licked her from gate to clit, telling her that he dearly loved her as well. “I’m done, I think. I know that I shouldn’t be, that you need me too, but I’m finished.” Standing up, he looked down over her. “Or maybe not. Christ, Hadley, you’re beautiful.”

She took his cock into her hands after struggling to sit up. Pulling him near her mouth, he held his breath until she licked his crown. All the way around him until she slid her tongue over his tip and moaned. As her hands cupped his balls, he nearly fell over, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he was positive that he’d never recover from her ministrations to him. When he realized he wasn’t breathing, Hadley let out a long-held breath and held onto the wall as he watched her take him deep into her mouth.

Each time he thought that he was going to come, she’d move her mouth in a certain way that would make him cry out. Hadley wasn’t ashamed to be sobbing for her to give him relief. He thought of himself as manly enough that begging was fine too. But she was killing him. His heart was pounding so fast in his chest that he was sure he was going to die at any moment. Then she did something so unexpected that he nearly did pass out.

She swallowed his cock past the tightness of her throat and moaned again.

Nothing, not even seeing as much as he had in his lifetimes, could have prepared him for the sensations he felt. The tight muscles of her throat strangled his cock. Her tongue sliding around his shaft was like being massaged. Her hands at his balls, tight and close to his body, were rolled, and in doing so, it had him pulling from her mouth quickly and fisting himself to come.

To see her face drenched in his cum was a dream come true. Not something that he’d thought of before, but right now, it was on the top of his list for the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed.

When Colby laid back on the bed, he held onto the wall like it was his only hope for standing upright. It might well have been. Fearful of letting go, Hadley sort of slid and fell into the bed beside her. His exhaustion didn’t last long, however. Almost as soon as he was on his back, Colby was rolling over atop of him and sliding her sheath, still wet, over his stiffening cock.

“This is just what I need.” He could only stare at her as she had her way with him. Her breasts moved in time with her hips as she rode him. Running his hands down her legs to her hips, he pulled her tightly against him as he watched the way her face showed each and every little bit of enjoyment she was getting from her ride.

As her movements got more erratic, he slowed her down a bit by sitting up and taking her mouth. Moving down her jawline to her breasts, he feasted on her as he held her to his groin. He wasn’t prepared for the way her body felt. Her muscles were strong and yet flexible. As he held her to him, he felt his balls fill again, and his need shot through the roof.

Rolling her to her back, he couldn’t stop himself from pounding her. His body felt like it had a mind of its own, and he wasn’t even sure that his dragon was there as well. When he wrapped her hands into his, he held them above their bodies as he took her. There were no other words for how they’d made love this time. It was a taking. A marking too.

Colby came with him, screaming out his name and her love for him. Even as her body convulsed twice more around him with her releases, he was emptying himself into her over and over. With a roar, he finished by dropping atop her and decided that even with immortality, he was sure that his heart had stopped beating a while ago.

When he woke up, he was still in bed and lying on Colby. Moving around the best he could without waking her, he finely just got out of bed and moved her. She was so light in his arms that he thought that he could hold her all day long. Putting her back to bed and then covering her up, Hadley made his way to the shower to get some of the soreness out of his body.

The hot water felt wonderful over his skin. Muscles that he’d not realized he’d not used like this before ached a little until he was able to stand under the water for a few more minutes. While washing his hair, he realized that even his fingers were sore, and it brought out a burst of laughter from him that embarrassed him slightly. Turning off the water, he felt hands slide around his waist. Reaching over to turn the water back on, he turned in Colby’s arms and kissed her.

“How are you feeling?” She told him that she was sore. “Yeah, me too. But if you repeat that, I’m going to deny it.”

“You’re a goof.” He washed her hair, then her back. While making love again sounded great, he was just too worn out, and she was still complaining about being sore. “Do you have much to do today?” They got out of the shower together and dressed.
