Page 20 of Dangerous Love

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She turns to me, her green eyes sparkling and her lips tempting. “Your car doesn’t have a name?”

“Does yours?”

“Peri. Short for periwinkle, of course.” She scoffs and runs a finger down the center console. “This car needs a sleek name, something sexy.”

“Like Lena?” I ask.

She smiles and shakes her head lightly. “Aren’t you a smooth one?”

“I try.” I reach over and take her hand. She’s warm and sweet. Far too innocent for a man like me. But I want her all the same. Mildred wouldn’t approve. I’m supposed to protect her, not lust after her. Then again, Mildred knew what sort of man I am. I suppose I’ll never know the real reason why she asked me to be her granddaughter’s guardian.

“So, I still don’t know much about you. Tell me about your parents.” She glances down where our hands are joined.

I run my thumb along her delicate knuckles. “They live in Montana.”

“So you’re from Montana?”

“No.” Buildings rise up around us as we enter downtown.

“Where are you from?” She narrows her eyes.

“I was a military brat, so we lived all over.” I shrug. “What about you?”

“My mom is around. Or, at least I think she is.” Her tone is colored by sadness. “She sort of left when I took up with Kimber and inherited Grandma’s house.” She shakes it off, though. “But I’m sure she’s doing fine. No news is good news, right?”

“Right,” I agree and turn onto a side street.

A valet steps out to take the car.

Lena grips my fingers tighter and turns to me. “I can do this, right?” The fear in her eyes plucks at heartstrings I didn’t know existed.

“Of course.” I reach over and stroke her cheek. “You can do anything.”

“I can?”

“Believe it.”

She smiles, the fear melting away. “Okay.”

“Good.” I open my door and step out, then wave the valet away. Walking around the car, I open the door for her and help her out.

She clings to my side, her full breasts pressing against my arm as I guide her into the restaurant. Chandeliers sparkle and the dark, polished tables fan out before us.

“Welcome.” The host greets us with a smile. “Is there a reservation?”

“Goodwin,” I give one of my many names.

“I’ve always liked that name on your mailbox.” She smiles.

“Please follow me.” The host leads us to a table at the back, and I ease her into her chair. The shoes she’s wearing are girly and cute, but she is courting a broken neck at this point. I’d like to pull them off her and nibble my way up her legs, but I have to temper my desire. The last thing I want is to scare her or have her think I’m only after a quick fuck. I want far more from her. The spanking I mentioned earlier is just a start, and my blood heats when I think of how her cheeks colored, the way she licked her glossy lips at the thought of my hands on her body.

“Where’d you go?” She takes a sip from her water glass.

I give her my full attention. “Just thinking about you.”

“What were you thinking?”

“I’m afraid I can’t share that information.” I take her hand again, weaving our fingers together. “Classified.”
