Page 31 of Dangerous Love

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“She’s your sister?” I whisper yell. They look nothing alike. His own sister shot him? I thought I had family issues.

“No.” Heath answers. “But I don’t want to kill her either.”

“She shot you,” I remind him.

He still seems really unfazed about being shot. I think I’d be in a ball crying right now.

“You want me to shoot her?” I ask. Could I shoot her? My hand that was shaking suddenly stops. I stand up a little straighter. Yeah. I think I can. In fact, I'm starting to get more mad as the seconds tick by. Blondie is not taking my man from me. The sound of sirens start to draw near. We’re running out of time.

“Do it,” she says to Heath.

I let out a scream as he fires his gun. The shot hits her in the same place she hit him. She lets out a string of curses that would make a sailor second-guess his life choices. She doesn't drop her gun, but she does drop her arm holding it.

Heath reaches over and snags the gun out of my hand, then pushes me back into the still-open car door. He goes around the side, jumps in and takes off. I expect him to floor it with the tires spinning out but he pulls away smoothly and drives down our street. Cop cars fly past us as we calmly roll down the road. Not like two people who just survived a gun battle. Not as if Heath didn’t blow up his own house with a rocket launcher only minutes before. You know, just another day in the neighborhood.

Mrs. Winsten waves as we pass, though I could swear she pockets a pistol inside her housecoat.

“Holy shit, the mean old lady is packing heat.”

“Virgie Winsten was never a player, but her husband was a deadly bastard. She picked up some tricks from him.” He turns off our street as more police cars screech past.

I gawk at him. All those months when I’d made up those stories, and none of them could even come close to this reality.

“You let her live.” I drop back in my seat and take a long breath. “The blonde.”

“I returned the favor. She had to look like she tried to kill me.” He shrugs his wounded shoulder without even wincing. “I don’t know if they’ll believe it.”

“Why?” I glare over at him. “You two have a thing?” Oh. There’s that jealousy thing of mine I get when it comes to him. He gave it to me. It’s his fault, I reason with myself. He only laughs as if I’m adorable. I knew I should have shot Blondie myself.

“I never miss. Maybe they’ll think I was distracted.” His eyes flick over to me, letting me know I’m the distraction.

“I think you should have killed her.” I turn and look out the window then fold my arms over my chest.

“My little tigress is out for blood now?”

I fight a smirk. “Blood!” I suddenly panic. “You’ve been shot. We need a hospital or an ambulance or something!”

“It’s fine. Through and through. Jezebel was always a good shot herself. She made it clean.”

“Maybe we should send her a fruit basket or some flowers as a thank you,” I mock.

Heath only laughs.

“Stop laughing. That has to hurt.” He has no concern for his bullet wound, though at least it doesn’t seem to be bleeding much anymore. The red stain on his shirt is pretty small, not that I know much about gunshot wounds.

I stare at the spot, wanting to do something to help it, but he’s driving.

He reaches over and grabs my hand. “You can patch me up when we get to the plane.”

“Plane? I’ve never been on a plane before,” I admit. I wait for the fear to come, but it doesn't. Heath is here, and I am safe. Even though there was just an all-out assassin war in my backyard, I’m still safe and it’s because of him. Oh, and my assassin grandmother. Let’s not forget about good old Mildred’s stockpile of guns, grenades, and rocket launchers.

“This is our first adventure.” He squeezes my fingers. “We’ll lie low for a few days while I get us new identities. Don’t worry about anything.”

I reach down and pinch my thigh. “Ahh!” I yelp. Heath grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away from myself before he gives me a look of what the hell?

“Just making sure this is real.” I mean, come on. Secret rooms, rocket launchers, and assassins dropping dead all around me. This is so crazy that it couldn't be real, but it is. Wait until Kimber finds out about all this.

“I’ll remind you how real this is when we get on the plane.” He smirks.
