Page 35 of Dangerous Love

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As we approach, she looks up from the table. Before she can say anything, I stroke my baby bump. “I’m happy, Kimber. Happy with Heath and with you.”

She tries to maintain her frown but can’t. With a wave of her hand, she says, “You’re forgiven, horny preggo. Now sit down and eat all this food I made for you. Try to keep your damn hands off each other at least until after dessert.”

We all laugh because Heath and I both know what his dessert always is. Me. He’s going to have to wait, though, because I’m so getting some of that chocolate cake I saw in the kitchen.

“It’s not me,” Heath chimes in from behind me.

I elbow him, but he laughs. I told Kimber the truth. I’m happy. Happier than I ever thought I could be. I have everything that a person could wish for. Heath may not have led the most innocent life before me, but he’s perfect in my world.

We sit down at the table.

“Open it already.” Kimber pushes the envelope toward me. I pick it up with shaking hands. “I have other news I want to share first.”

Kimber’s eyes narrow. “There can’t be anything left!” she snips more at Heath than me. She might be a little pissy she missed us getting married. She still wants that bachelorette party. I keep putting it off because, well, I don’t want anyone to die at the hands of my jealous husband.

“Well, out with it.” She crosses her arms.

I can’t contain my excitement. “We got a place here!”

Kimber’s whole face lights up. “Are you serious?”

“Yes! We’re going to have the baby here and not on the island.”

“Oh my God.” She comes flying out of her chair to hug me. I hold her tight as we share our moment. We’re both living our dreams. She graduated from culinary school and is already working at one of the hottest restaurants in Paris, and I’m getting a family.

“One of the best obstetricians in the world lives right here in Paris,” Heath says.

I roll my eyes. “No. We’re having the baby here because Kimber is here.”

“That too.” Heath shrugs. Kimber throws a shrimp at him.

“Hey. No wasting food!” I scold them both.

Sometimes these two really fight like brother and sister. It’s annoying and adorable.

“I think the penthouse is for sale.” Kimber points over her head.

“Not anymore,” Heath supplies.

“Oh, shit.” She laughs. “You didn’t come to play.”

“Not where Lena’s concerned.” He taps the envelope and gives me an expectant look. “Open the card, tigress.”

I do.

Tears blur my vision as I read the result.

Of course Mildred was right, not that it matters. Heath and I will be having plenty of babies. I’m sure we’ll have both boys and girls. It doesn’t matter which order they come in. All that matters is that we’re together. I know without a doubt that Heath will do anything to keep our family happy. I also know that Heath would kill whoever tried to take our joy from us . . . unless Mildred got to them first.




Luke Knight thinks he can own me, can hurry me into a wedding and then into his bed. He seems to know everything about me. But he’s missed the most important point—I’mdastardly. He thinks he’s my one and only? Not a chance. But I like his estate and all his money, so I’ll bide my time. I don’t obsess over his good looks and the way he makes me feel. Not a bit. Once he’s dead, I’ll be more than happy to be the grieving widow … on a yacht … in the Seychelles … drenched in diamonds.

Cassandra truly believes I’m the bad guy in her world. She’s wrong. I can show her how much she means to me. It will take time and coaxing, but I’ll prove to her our love is deep and true. If she tries to knife me a few times along the way, what of it? After all, a spirited woman is exactly what I need, and Cassandra Carlisle was made for me.
