Page 41 of Dangerous Love

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The priest dodders toward me. “I’m afraid if she’s protesting, I can’t—”

I turn to my best man. “Clayton, instruct Gray to remove the cat’s tail.”

“No!” She scowls, her gaze absolute murder. “I will marry him. Love, honor, cherish, everything you said. And not under protest. I’m willing.”

The priest nods and steps back to his place. “Well, in that case, Mr. Knight, repeat after me. I—”

I cut through his words and say my vows with perfect ease.

His gray eyebrows lift.

I don’t know why he’s surprised. I calculate everything, including the quickest way to get what I want.

“The, ah, rings?” he broaches.

Clayton hands them over.

I slide hers on to her finger, the gems from my very own mines sparkling beautifully, then I hand her my simpler platinum band and offer her my hand.

She pauses for a moment, admiring her ring, her eyes widening. Did she think I’d skimp on her gift? Never.

Remembering herself, her eyes narrow as she slides my ring on. Then, quick as an adder, she swings her hidden blade at my throat.

I catch her wrist and kiss it, then squeeze until she drops the knife with a cry. Clayton is glowering at my side, but picks up the knife without a word.

She growls in frustration and yanks her hand back. “I’ll get you.”

“Of course, my little vixen.” I pull her into my arms. “You’ve already got me.” I kiss her hard on the mouth, sealing our vows and leaving no question of my claim on her, body and soul.



I’ve never hated anyone more than I hate this man who is now my husband. He captures my mouth with his, silencing any protest that I might have.

We might have exchanged vows to honor, love, and respect one another, but I will end him. He has no idea what he’s signed up for. If the circumstances were different, I can’t deny that this would have been my dream wedding. Everything is perfect. My dress fits me like a glove and looks more beautiful on me than I ever could have imagined. Luke actually caught me off guard with his ring selection. It’s stunning, to say the least. The weight of it is heavy on my finger.

I’ll likely still wear it after he’s dead. A small token of remembrance. I shall play the widow well with Ms. Kittles at my side, her claws still in her cute tiny paws.

My captor deepens the kiss. A small moan escapes me. I don’t know where it came from. I lean into him because the heels are a touch higher than I’m used to. My fingers dig into my captor’s tux jacket. Yes, that’s what I’m calling this man that I’m married to now—my captor. I will never refer to him as my husband. He’d enjoy that all too much. He’s won this round, but he can’t win them all. I can be patient.

Maybe I’m enjoying our kiss a little too much. His fingers dig into my hair, and he tilts my head back to give him a better angle to deepen the kiss. This time it’s him that groans, the sound rolling through me. I have to fight a whimper of need that flashes through my body. It’s unwanted, just like my husband. Damnit, I mean mycaptor! That thought brings me back to reality. This isn't some passionate first kiss between lovers. He is the enemy. I strike as Ms. Kittles would.

I bite down on his lip. He jerks against me, pulling me into him more. My feet leave the ground, and I gasp as his hard cock digs into me, causing me to let go of his lip.

“Careful, wife. I can bite too.” His tongue comes out, and he licks the broken skin.

The small throb between my legs grows.

“If you behave, I might even let you pick where I bite you.”

I narrow my eyes on him, ready to unleash hell, but I stop short when the priest clears his throat. Luke smirks as I close my mouth.

“The car ready?” He places me back on my feet but doesn’t let me go.

“Already out front,” Clayton confirms.

It’s then I realize it’s me that hasn't let go ofhim. My fingers are still digging into his suit. I drop my hands away quickly and try to take a step back, but he only swings us around, tucking me into his side. He keeps me close. He’s smart, I’ll give him that.
