Page 67 of Dangerous Love

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“That’s the money from my car.” Laura turns to Scott.

“I know. I’m sorry.” He reaches for her bound hands with his.

“It doesn’t matter. You need money? Why didn’t yousaysomething?”

“I didn’t want you to worry.” Scott shakes his head, his dark blond hair falling into his eyes. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Twenty large is a big deal to me, Scott.” Tommy tsks.

“Twenty thousand dollars?” Laura’s voice rises with each word, her eyes widening. “We don’t have that! How did you even have enough to begin with to dig a hole like that?”

“Calm down.” Scott manages to grab her hands with his. “Come on, sis, it’s not that bad.”

She opens her mouth, but no sound comes out. She just stares at him, shocked.

I can answer her questions—all of them, in fact. Usually, Scott wouldn’t have access to enough money to bet and lose it plus more to get into a 20 thousand dollar hole. But thanks to a streak of luck at my friend’s casino, Scott managed to win just enough money to be dangerous. And then? Then he did what I knew he’d do. He thought luck was on his side, when in fact I’d rigged the system to get him the seed money that led to his doom. And now here we are.

“Look, I can get you the money, Fat Tommy,” Scott pleads. “I don’t know why you brought her into this.”

“Collateral.” Fat Tommy shrugs his bony shoulders.

“She’s a person, not a car or a house.” He has the nerve to sound indignant. “You can’t leverage Laura.”

“She’s valuable.” Fat Tommy’s tone is clear, his intent lecherous.

I don’t like it. Once again, he isn’t following my instructions to the letter. Perhaps I’ve been too lax with discipline on his part of my operation. That will change tonight.

“Don’t look at her like that.” Scott finally shows some backbone as he tries to stand.

“Hey, pretty little girl.” Tommy steps closer to Laura and ignores Scott. “What’s a kiss worth?”

“What?” Laura blinks.

I can’t tell if she’s horrified or confused.

“Stop,” Scott growls. He knows exactly what’s going on.

I’m fucking livid. Fat Tommy will bleed for even making that suggestion.

“Ten dollars? More?” Fat Tommy rubs his hands together. “A sweet piece of ass like you, a kiss might be a hundred dollars? How’s that sound? You can help your brother right now. Work off some of his debt. I’ll pay one hundred for a kiss, but if youreallywant to help him, you’ll have to give me more.” He licks his lips.

My hands fist. Fat Tommy is an earner, but he’s expendable, and he’s walking a fucking fine line. Laura ismine.

“You’re disgusting.” She spits at him.

That’s the fire I’m after, the spark I saw inside her when we first met.

“If you touch me, I’ll kick your dick off!” she adds.

I smirk at her phrasing.

Fat Tommy shrugs and backs off.

I relax just a hair.

“Well, if you won’t work off your brother’s debt, just what are we going to do with the two of you? I can’t let you go on not paying.” Fat Tommy sighs. “So I guess we’ll have to make an example out of you.” He jerks his chin at one of his goons. “Dirk, get the saw.”

“What?” Laura shrieks.
