Page 72 of Dangerous Love

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She belts out a cry anyway.

I get up. She scrambles to her knees, then ignores my hand as she gets to her feet. She looks wild, her hair curling around her face, her skin with a fine sheen on it, and a shifty look in her eyes. She wants to run again. Before she can, I bend over and toss her over my shoulder, then turn and carry her back to the car.

She beats on my back and uses some exceptional curse words she must’ve learned at the burlesque as I carry her past the car, down the winding drive, and into my clifftop home. Once I set her in the foyer, she looks around—likely for a weapon—and I return to the door.

“Make yourself at home, precious. I’ve got to park my car.”

“You bastard!” She crosses her arms over her stomach and looks around at the art and the clear ceiling that always gives an amazing view of the starry sky.

“The house is inescapable. You may go wherever you please, including to the pool and the garden, but if you stray beyond the garden walls, I’ll know. I have guards throughout the estate, and they’re all paid quite well. You’ll be brought back to me every time. The pool is infinity, of course, but don’t let it fool you. If you try to jump over the edge, a fifty-foot drop onto some particularly sharp stones awaits you. Don’t do it.” Hmm, maybe I should have a net installed down there just in case.

“You can’t keep me here.”

“I can. And here’s the thing, precious.” I walk closer to her, and she leans back to meet my gaze. “Like I said before,youmade this deal. If you break it, I’ll return to Fat Tommy and get my money back. If that happens, it won’t be long before Scott and the jigsaw become acquainted on a deeply personal level. Understand?”

“You’re a monster.” Her lip trembles.

“Maybe so. But you belong to the monster now. I paid full price. Keep that in mind.” I want to kiss her again, but she looks like she might bite me if I tried it.

“You can’t do this.” Her voice is a near-whisper.

It’s already done.

“I’ll make dinner when I get back.” I close the door and hear the locks click into place.

She darts deeper into the house, likely seeking a weapon or a foolish escape. There is none. She’s here until she realizes I’m the one for her, until she knows the same thing I do—that we’re meant to be. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Though, if my cock is any indication, I hope it’s soon, because I’m desperate to give her a taste of everything I have to offer.



Ihuff in annoyance when I can’t find anything I can use to kill Mr. Vincent. I fall back onto the giant bed and look up at the canopy. I’d cry, but I don’t think I have any tears left. More than anything, anger is starting to creep in on me. I might actually follow through with my murder plan if I could only find a weapon.

At first I hid in a closet, but hiding always makes me have to pee. So then I went to a bathroom—a really nice one with marble and the prettiest tile I’ve ever seen—and kept exploring. The doors are locked, windows don’t open, and there’s nowhere to go but down a steep hillside. So then I hid in yet another closet, but when no one came to drag me out, I continued going from room to room. Now I’m just lying in this bed waiting to be murdered, I guess.

I’m never going to understand what’s going on here. There’s not a single reason this man should want to keep me here. He said he’s not going to sell me or turn me into Cinderella. Then exactly what does he plan on doing with me? I bite my lip. It can’t be about sex either. There’s no way that man can’t get laid if he wants to. It would be crazy for him to kidnap orbuysomeone for such a thing.

“Oh, sorry, miss. I didn’t know you were here.”

I sit up to see a dark-haired woman coming out of the bathroom. She looks to be in her early forties, if I had to guess. She’s got a stack of fluffy white towels in her hands. She’s very pretty. I bet he could sleep with her.

“Are you kidnapped, too?”

She lets out a small laugh. “I’m Della. I work here, and I rather enjoy my job, so don’t get any ideas about me helping you leave.”

There goes that idea.

“He kidnapped me!”

She shrugs.

“Is this normal around here or something?”


I stare at her, willing her to say more.

“He’s a good man, won’t harm a hair on your head.”
