Page 87 of Dangerous Love

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“Be smart, and I love you. I have to go.”

“I love you, too,” he says before I end the call.

I shut all of the drawers before shoving the phone between my tits. What’s the worst that can happen if I get caught? If I’ve learned anything in the week I’ve been here, it’s that Xavier isn’t going to hurt me. I don’t even care if he takes the phone at this point. I’ve made my call. If he doesn't know I have it, then maybe I can call again later.

I slip back into my heels and return to his seat. I barely get my ass on the leather before the door swings open.

I stand, trying to look bored. “Am I free to go or did you want to bark more orders at me? Spank me again?” I lick my bottom lip as I walk toward him. “If I recall correctly, you were done with me.”

He steps back when I finally get to him, like he doesn't want me to touch him. That one little movement by him cuts me deep, and with everything I have in me, I try not to let him see that. “I’m rescinding my invite to you for theHarryPotter-a-thon.” I hold my chin high as I stroll past him. Take that, Mr. Hot and Cold. That pillow wall is about to get a lot higher and thicker.

Not that he even remembered to get the movies. He has a habit of forgetting things. Mostly me.



“Laura.” I want to reach for her, but I keep my hands to myself. I’ve already gone too far.

“Leave me alone.” She hurries down the hall, her heels clicking as she rushes toward the stairs.

Ican’tleave her alone. That’s the problem. I think about her constantly, want her endlessly, need her desperately. But I’m a bad man, one who’s used to taking what he wants instead of waiting for it to come to him. I didn’t want to be that way with Laura, but then I threatened her, and then … Then I bent her over my desk and reddened her ass before eating her hot cunt from the back.

“Stop following me.” She stomps up the stairs. “I already said no Harry Potter for you.”

“I just want to explain.”

“Explain what?” She whirls on the top step, loses her balance, and starts to topple.

I catch her in my arms as she squeals in alarm.

She forces her frown back into place. “I just don’t wear heels a lot.” She kicks her feet.

I don’t put her down. Instead, I jump the last step and carry her toward our room.

“I can walk.”

“I know.” I ease her into our room and onto her side of the bed. Then I lean over and rest my fists on the mattress on either side of her, meeting her eye to eye.

“I want to apologize.”

“About time!” She crosses her arms, pushing the tops of her breasts up. I want to bite them.

“I’m sorry I spanked you and for what happened after.”

Her face falls, the triumph draining away. “That’s what you’re sorry for?”

“Yes.” I sigh. “I’m a bastard. I’m trying to be better, but I guess that’s just not something I’m capable of.” I should offer to let her sleep in another room, or maybe even to let her go. But I can’t. After all, despite my apology, I’m still a bastard. I want her for myself.

She swallows hard, and her face goes somewhat blank, as if she’s trying to hide whatever emotions are bubbling beneath the surface. “What was that noise? Is Sue okay?”

“She’s fine.” I could tell Laura I killed Henley and that his body is cooling in my basement, but I figure that might be a little too much for her to handle right now. “She sensed a threat and acted.”

“She’s like you.”

I shrug. “We both take care of what’s ours. Everything’s fine. I just have some things to deal with. But I promise once they’re handled, I’ll be here, and I won’t overstep my bounds again.”

“Will you avoid me more, then?” She pouts. Fuck, she has no clue how irresistible she is.
