Page 94 of Dangerous Love

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“Name you?” His eyebrows rise.

“Yes. Let it serve as a warning.” I wave a hand at him. “Don’t fuck with Vegas. This city is mine. Understand?”

He nods. “Yes, but Henley isn’t just some—”

“Henley’s dead. I’ll kill anyone who comes to my home and threatens me or the ones I love. Don’t fucking doubt it, Cain.”

He leans back and nods. “I see. The girl?”

“She’s mine.” My fingers curl into fists.

“I didn’t touch her.” He shrugs. “Other than accidentally. I wasn’t sure if you’d killed Henley for coming on to her.”

“I would have.” I grit my teeth. “But no, I killed him before he could gut me in my own home.”

“I understand. His associates will accept that explanation.”

“It’s the way of our world. If they have a problem with me defending my family, I’ll happily give them an in-person demonstration.” I stand. This meeting is over.

Cain stands, too, deference in his mien, though he’s no fucking goon. He used to be my second in command until I set him on his own path. He runs the underground fighting rings in the city. Once a sliver of my business, now it’s a big earner for Cain, and I get a nice percentage. He’s making a name for himself. I reviewed the video of his interaction with Laura. He’s clear. But Henley? He would’ve met a bloody end with or without threatening my life. No one touches my girl.

“Out. I have business.”

“Something important?”

“Very.” I walk him out of my office and toward the front door.

“Our business keeps us on our toes. Never a moment’s rest.”

Della turns a corner ahead of us. “I have that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Uzbekistan ready, and I’m about to make the popcorn.” She bustles past.

“Important business, eh?” Cain grins.

“Fuck off.” I open the front door for him. “And don’t bring any more security threats into my house. Got it?”

“My apologies. He’d been vouched for, but I suppose we can’t trust anyone anymore. Not with the way this city is going.”

“Trust is a luxury we can’t afford.” I give him a stern nod, then close the door.

I slap my palms together and rub them in anticipation. Not for the movies, but for what Laura had promised to do to me the next time we were in the theater room. My cock wakes at the thought of it, and I speed my steps along the hall.

The smell of popcorn wafts to my nose as I take the steps two at a time. When I glance into our bedroom, I don’t find Laura. Sue is snoring lightly at the foot of the bed. Laura must already be in position for the movie-thon. I smile at the thought of it, of how pleasant it is to just sit and watch movies with her. And when she gets excited and explains what’s different in the books or gives me tidbits of background here and there, I can’t help but love her. She truly is priceless, the missing treasure that’s made me a whole man instead of just a bitter shell.

I bound up the stairs to the movie room and hit the house lights.

I stop.

She’s not here. I cock my head to the side. Where is she? A tickle of dread rolls down my spine.

Whirling, I rush back down the stairs to our bedroom. My heavy steps wake Sue, who jumps to attention, her ears sharp. I dart into the bathroom. No Laura. The closet is also empty. Where the fuck is she?

My heart starts to pound as I hurry down the stairs to my office. I pull up the surveillance cams on my computer and search around until I find her. And not just her. Scott.

“Fuck!” I slam my fist on the desk when I see them disappear across the rooftop of my house and onto the stony ridge that runs along the back wall.

“What’d I miss?” Della leans against the doorframe and nibbles some popcorn.

“She’s gone.” I run a hand through my hair.
