Page 19 of Sweet Psycho

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“What? I had to check on you. Plus, I placed that tag, remember?”

“Oh my God.” I groan.

“Two orgasms of Magic. The man is a giver.”

“I can’t believe you listened to all that!”

“I tapped out a few times. I’m not a total perv.”

“I want the feed. Send it over. I’ll be home in a bit. I’ve got some information to go over. Also, I want bugs with surveillance.”

“So you’re going back over there?”

“You don’t think he’ll invite me back?” My heart sinks.

“I didn’t say that.” She laughs.

True. Who needs an invitation? I’ll show up whenever I like.



Iclose the door to the basement, lock it, then exit through the hidden panel behind the kitchen. Once it’s all set back to rights, I lean down and scratch behind Alfie’s ears.

“Ready to go start the chores?”

He purrs, then gives a big stretch and a yawn.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I head out the back door and check on the tomato seedlings I set up in the cold frame. They’re coming along well, and so are the cucumbers and the squash. We’ll be full of produce in no time.

The horses are happy to be turned out into the pasture, the morning sun burning off the little bit of fog that lingered right after dawn. It’s going to be another beautiful day. I didn’t sleep great, mainly because Maggie danced around in my mind, catching my attention. Like a crow seeing something shiny, I couldn’t look away from her. She’s a mystery, one I want to uncover bit by bit. Eccentric and quirky, she’s easily the most interesting person I’ve ever met.

When I jog around the barn toward my solar array, I catch sight of movement.

Slowing my pace, I glance around. Nothing is amiss; everything seems to be the way I left it yesterday. But I could’ve sworn …

I shrug it off and keep going, the sun warm on my back as I turn the back corner of the barn.

“Why do you keep squirrels in cages?” Maggie is down on her haunches, staring at the first squirrel I’ve caught in my trap.

She’s managed to slip past my alarms, though I’m certain I’ve caught her on video. I have too many cameras throughout the property to miss her.

“Is this another one of your weird hobbies?” She looks up at me with a quizzical expression.

“Gardening and horses are weird hobbies?” I lean against the barn and cross my arms.

“Yeah. I mean, you’re not an octogenarian, are you?”

I snort a laugh. “No, not as far as I know. But since we’re on elderly subjects, I’ve also tried my hand at crochet.”

She wrinkles her nose.

“I wasn’t any good at it.” I hold up my hands. “My fingers are too big.”

She licks her lips and gets to her feet, her gaze on my fingers. “That’s a fair assessment. What else do you get up to around here?” She steps closer, her eyes narrowing. “Seems like you’d need a lot of money to buy this big property and have all these nice things.”

Alfie trots up and rubs against her leg, his purr already rumbling through him. She gives him the required pets as he fawns all over her. He’s such a ham.

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