Page 25 of Sweet Psycho

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“I love you and my father. Your problems are my problems.”

“Ah, love?” Oceans responds.

“Of course I love you.”

“I know that. That’s also not what I meant, but we’ll skip that for the moment. What is the second mission?”

“To make Owen love me.”

“Right, I guess we aren’t skipping that,” she mutters, confusing me.

“I need to know how to make a man love you.” I drum my fingers on the steering wheel while sitting in the darkness of the garage.

“People aren’t computers. You can’t make them do things.”

“This is not helpful. Do a search or something. I need a list of ways to seduce a man.”

“Mags, I’m worried he’s already made you. Most men would freak out if the girl they just met popped up on them the way you did this morning.”

“Well, maybe he’s so accepting because he’s already falling in love with me.” I wouldn’t mind if he popped up on me. Well, not now because I didn’t tell him where I lived. He told me how to get to his home. Invited me into it. But it might be sweet if he stalked me down.

“You got a pushup bra?”

“A push up what?”

“It’s a type of bra. Makes your boobs look sexy.”

“Bet Duffy has a pushup bra.” I grit my teeth. “Make me a list. I need to talk to my dad.” I hang up before she can respond. When I enter the house, I hear gunfire. I head toward the sound to find my father in the living room playing on his Xbox. I plop down next to him with a sigh.

He glances over at me for a second but goes back to playing, making a kill shot. His shot in real life is just as good. He was in the military for a time. I let out another loud sigh. My father pauses the game and turns to give me a curious look.

“What’s going on, Magpie?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“You sighed twice. Out with it.”

“Well, there is this boy—” My father's brows rise all the way up. I bet that was the last thing he was expecting me to come out with.

“Don’t tell me his name is Owen Caddel. Themana group of federal agents showed up in our house to talk about.”

“You always say don’t trust the feds. So Owen Caddel must be good.”

“Not what I really meant.” He runs a hand down his face. “I thought I got lucky. That I wasn’t going to have to deal with teen crushes.”

“Hey, I’m not a teen, and this isn’t a crush!”

“I know, Magpie. You’re a lot like your mom.”

“What does that mean in relation to this?” He always says that.

“Your mom could be obsessive. She was about me.” He smirks. “I lost her, and I still won’t betray her. I’m hers. Always have been and always will be.”

“That sounds nice. Sweet even.”

I want that. I’ll make sure I get it, too. Maggie Caddel has a nice ring to it.

