Page 31 of Sweet Psycho

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She gasps and looks up, her eyes wide. “You can’t keep me here.”

I rest my hand at her throat, and she doesn’t fight me. Doesn’t move away. Instead, her lips part as she looks up at me, her pupils dilating.

“I know you’re confused.” I lean closer to her, our lips only a breath away. “I didn’t want you to find out like this, but youdidcome to my house with a sledgehammer.” I brush my lips against hers. “Which is extremely reckless and fucking sexy.”

“This is crazy,” she murmurs, her eyelids fluttering. “Totally psycho.”

“I know. That’s why it’s perfect.” I kiss her hard, staking my claim. With Maggie, I’ll never give up, never give in, and never let her go.



My mind races in a thousand different directions as Owen’s mouth devours mine. This man is crazy obsessed with me. So much so that he’s been stalking me for a while based on how many photos he had of me. I mean, most people would probably think he’s psycho, but I find it endearing. I know I should probably be frightened. That’s the exact opposite of what I am. I think I’ve hit the damn jackpot.

“We can’t,” I say between kisses. “I’ve got, like, questions.” Owen’s hands go to my ass, lifting me off my feet. I instinctively wrap my legs around him. I mean, look–I may want some answers, but I’m not going to pass up a chance to cling to him.

“Ask away.” He carries me up the stairs while nibbling at my neck. It’s hard to think when he does that. Owen gently places me onto his bed. “So no questions?” He smirks.

I smack his chest. “Don’t be smug. I’m the smug one here.” I scramble to my knees. Owen pulls his shirt off over his head. My mouth falls open. This man is so distracting. He’s perfection, even with the scar on his left shoulder. “What’s that?” I reach out and run my fingers across it.

“Bullet.” His answer is straight to the point.

“Right,” I mutter. “But you have chickens and a cat.” Owen is gentle and sweet.

“And now I have you.” A deadly glint flashes in his eyes. “Hacking wasn’t always my specialty. I’ve done plenty of ruthless things,badthings.”

“I have no clue who you are.” I think that’s the first time I’ve ever said that to anyone. Usually, I’m able to uncover anything I want about people. A person’s digital trail can tell you so much about who they are.

“Everything I’ve told you about my life is true, Ace. If you ask me to stop, I will.”

“You’d let me leave?” A stab of disappointment fills me. I was kind of into this being kidnapped thing. It was a nice change of pace.

“Never.” He places his rough hand against my throat again. I’m not scared of him. In fact, I find his hand there rather soothing. I think Owen is lethal to the rest of the world, and only I get this side of him. I really love the idea of that. He could easily hurt me, but I know he won’t. “I’ll stop killing if you ask me to.”

“How about the hardware store girl? Would you kill her for me?” I lay my hands against his bare chest. Even on my knees on the bed with him standing beside it, he still towers over me.


“You know her name!” I hiss. If anyone should worry for their safety, it’s him. I have a bomb shelter I could put him in. That thing might actually come in handy, though I was sure it would never be useful.

“Ace, it’s on her name tag. I notice everything. I remember everything. It can be both a curse and a blessing. I know every freckle you have.”

“I don’t have many freckles.”


“Seventeen? Why does it have to be an odd number?”

He smirks. Not sure what’s so funny. “It’s seventeen, Ace. You want me to show you?”

He pulls my shirt over my head, tossing it away before he pushes me down onto the bed. I don’t fight him. I want this closeness with him more than anything.

“You’re the only one I want.” He pops the button of my jeans.

“One.” He kisses a freckle next to my belly button.

“Two.” His mouth goes to my hip, kissing a tiny freckle that’s barely noticeable. “We’re almost to my favorite ones. Except that one behind your right ear on your neck. That is truly my favorite.”
