Page 61 of Knot Your Fairytale

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“Just one second, let her make her nest first, otherwise it’s going to stress her out. She was hysterical about it at home.”

Collin’s jaw tensed but he stopped himself. The twins were back in seconds and I took the hamper from Dean and dumped it on the bed right on top of her. A small giggle escaped her and the pure happiness there warmed my cold heart.

We all watched as she arranged everything. Pillows circled the bed and the blankets were laid over it in some sort of pattern that made her happy. Then she turned around with wild eyes on us, honing in on Collin and pouncing.

He caught her but she wasn’t there for hesitation. She started ripping the clothes off of his body and wiggling for him to put her down. She threw it into the nest before growling at us. We obediently started stripping and handing over our own clothes for her to add to the pile.

She looked at it and breathed in before a frown marred her beautiful features.

“Make it smell like you,” she demanded. Her words were choppy and her eyes blinked rapidly. She was barely holding on by a thread.

Four grown-ass men dropped on to that mattress like our life depended on it, rolling around like idiots but willing to do anything for our omega. Thank fuck no one had a video camera right now.

“Up,” she ordered again and the moment we were out of the way she dove into the nest, nearly disappearing under the covers before letting out a sigh of pure bliss.

The sigh was short-lived. Soon enough, she was standing again, ripping off her own clothes until she was standing there naked, slick already glistening between her thighs.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful sight.

Collin and I moved at the same time but I beat him there, scooping her off of her feet and laying her on the bed. My body hovered over hers. I didn’t care that I was naked in front of the others, all I wanted was her.

My omega whimpered and a low rumbling echoed from me in response, the purr calming her slightly and her emerald eyes lost the cloudy haze for a moment.

“You guys better all bite me,” she demanded.

“We can’t do that, it’s a heat,” Collin protested.

“The perfect time for a bite. We all said we’re in so prove it,” she demanded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll bite you,” Dean promised her then looked at us. “This is the turning point and she’s got her wits about her still.”

“You can bite me back anytime you want, gorgeous,” Atlas told her.

When Collin didn’t say anything, she leaned to the side to glare at him.

I think he was just as conflicted as I was.

“Do you want to bite me?” she questioned. This time, her voice was even and strong.

“Of course, I do,” he said. “But—”

“Stop holding yourself back on my account and I’m telling you this before I lose control completely. I want this so bad.” As she finished talking, her eyes rolled back. A fresh wave of pheromones burst into the air and her tropical scent mixed with the sweetness of an omega in heat. All thoughts flooded from my mind and my cock throbbed painfully. I needed to bury myself between her legs. Now.

“If you want me to bite you, I’ll bite you, but for now, we’ve done enough talking,” I told her in a low rumble.

“Thank fuck. Help me, Ezra. It hurts,” she said as she pushed her lips to mine. She was so hot against my skin. Her moans and whimpers as I kissed her senseless were nearly my undoing.

I nuzzled into my omega’s neck, breathing her in before kissing and sucking along her sensitive skin. She was so much louder than I expected but it did a lot for an alpha’s ego.

“Fuck me, Ezra. Now,” she demanded. “Ple—”

She had started to beg again but her words cut off as a desperate, keening cry echoed in the room As a fresh wave of her heat hit, she took my hand and shoved it downward. I knew what she needed and I could do better with my mouth.

I made my way down her body, spreading her thighs for me.

She was perfect. Red, swollen, and glistening with slick. Her body was begging for me to taste it.

“Distract her, she’ll need it,” I told the others before burying my face in her cunt. I breathed her in first. She was heaven and hell, wrapped in a beautiful package just for me.
